Chapter 24

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All that I want in my last few moments is to be in the arms of my mate. I know that this is stupid of me to think since I wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for him. I wouldn't have gone out of the dance to find him, I would be inside dancing with Oliver after announcing our plan to become mates. I wouldn't have gone through the roller coaster of emotions if I didn't know him. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him. He saved my life all those years ago. If it wasn't for him I would have died along side my mother that horrible night.

I can't help but feel so much love with that last thought.

But why wait until tonight to strike and take one of our pack members? How did they know that everyone would be gathered at my house of all nights? It seems like they were waiting to attack because they knew that everyone would be distracted tonight. But for them to know that information they would have to have someone on the inside relaying the information to them.

I quickly go over all of the pack members in my head well aware that all of the hunters are still watching me.The only new member that we have had join us is Colton. Wait. The attacks didn't start until Colton appeared. He is their spy. I can't believe that the guy that I have fallen in love with, that has been destined to be mine, is the one that has given up my family and who has basically sentenced me to die.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and flinch away as I look up. My eyes meet Colton's and a growl escapes me. Before Colton has time to react and bring his hand back I reach out and clamp down hard on his arm. The iron taste of blood fills my mouth.

Colton's doesn't hit at me to try to get away like most people would, instead he pulls his arm out of my very tight grip leaving long deep wounds. 

His pain fills me but I am too angry to care. I am too angry to give much thought to the fact that I am causing my mate pain.

As I spit out the blood and glance around I notice that we are the only ones still in the room. The other hunters much have left when I was consumed in my thoughts.

"Please know that I never meant for any of this to happen. I never planned on falling in love with you. Honestly, I did think that my father was dead and I didn't know their plan" Colton sits down on the floor just out of my reach.

I try my hardest to change back into my human form. I picture my wild untamed curls, the tan complexion of my skin, even the scar on my leg from the bullet that pierced it years before. I imagine the sensation of the hard ground  being under my bare feet. I will my bones to break and to reform with everything within my weak body. It seems that whatever it was that they gave me prevents me from changing back and keeps in me as a wolf.

At times this would actually be helpful but at this moment it is preventing me from communicating with the traitor that is feet from me. I know that I won't be able to communicated with him yet in my mind because of two reasons. The first and most important is that I'm not sure if he was ever really part of my pack. The second reason that my efforts will not work is because I have not officially taken over the pack as my own. I won't be able to communicate from wolf to human until after it becomes official.

Another thought comes to my mind. I only pray that one of my pack members is enjoying the nice weather with a run. 'Inform Alpha Williams that there has been an attack! Tell him they may be inside the pack house. Get everyone out of the house now!'  With all of my might I push the words from my mind. With the last of my strength I send one last message out, 'If anyone can hear me please tell Alpha that I love him.'  tears start streaming down my face as I continue, 'Tell him that I will see moma once again.'

As hard as I try to stay away from Colton I still have a pull within my soul that begs be to get closer to him and with no more strength to fight the urge I give in. I whimper and place my muzzle on his hand.

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