Prologue: Protection

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Quick Author's note: I just want to thank Darkrose1000 for letting me use her OC. Aracel belongs to her. :)

Gladion's POV
Six months Ago....

"Finally my experiment is unbeatable!"

Said Colress while laughing like a maniac.

I stood in horror and watched as Type: Null, Colress and Lusamine's creation battled against many strong Pokemon which almost killed them even with it's helmet on this thing was impossible to beat. I stood there in horror and anger. Type: Null looked like it was exhausted and like it was in a lot of pain and they didn't seem to care. Type: Null looked absolutely miserable.

"So this what you've been up to Lusamine?! This what you've been hiding from me?!?!?!?! I CAN'T BELIVE YOU'D DO THIS!!!!!! TYPE: NULL ISN'T JUST YOUR EXPIREMNT IT'S A LIVING THING AND HAS FEELINGS!!!! IT CAN DIE FROM PAIN AND EXHAUSTION JUST LIKE PEOPLE!!!!!!"

I shouted in pure rage.

I can't believe that Lusamine would actually go through with all of this! Then Colress started bursting out laughing.

"Oh please kid! You're being ridiculous! Type: Null is only a tool and nothing more and you actually believe that this thing should be compared to a human being?! Kid you're killing me!"

Said Colress bursting with laughter.

"Colress is right. I'll do whatever it takes to reach our goal little brother and you're not going to get in our way are you?"

Asked Lusamine while glaring at me.

"What on earth happened to you Lusamine?! You used to be so caring towards Pokemon! You would've never done this to Type: Null regardless of what weather or not Type: Null was man made! You loved all Pokemon regardless!!!!"

I shouted.

"That's enough Gladion! And you if you breathe a word of this to Lillie you will regret your decision dearly!"

Shouted Lusamine with a dark and evil expression on her face.

I was absolutely shocked. I can't believe that she would do this! I held back my anger and left the lab and ran through the laboratory and to my room and slammed the door behind me. I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"What am I going to do?! I can't just sit and watch Type: Null die."

I said to myself.

Then I began to formulate a plan but I'll have to convince my little sister Lillie. I can't do this alone.
I ran next door to Lillie's room and knocked on her door.

"Who is it?"

Asked Lillie.

"It's me Gladion. Now open the door I have something to tell you."

I said.

Lillie opened to door and smiled at me. Lillie and I were really close. We all we used to be a tight nit family until Lusamine went absolutely crazy.

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