Chapter Ten: Crystal Waves

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The Fanart is not mine it belongs to Darkrose1000

Lillian's POV

Aracel walked inside and walked back to her room and shut the door tightly and locked it behind her.

"Well that sounded like it went well."

Said VG sarcastically.

"Could you be a little more sympathetic?"

I asked while I scowled at VG.

"Geez Lil I can't kid around?"

Said VG.

"Since when are you ever serious?"

I asked while rolling my eyes.

Then Alec walked up to Lillie and stared at her with hearts in his eyes.

"You are so beautiful. Your beauty is a sight to behold and I would love it if we could dance together at the party tonight."

Said Alec winking at her.

"Sorry bud but You'll have to tango with me first before you dance with my sister!"

Said Gladion slapping Alec upside the head.


Shouted Alec.

I rolled his eyes at Alec's childlike behavior and I walked towards Aracel's room and knocked on the door.

"Aracel can I come in?"

I asked.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Said Aracel with her voice which was muffled by her pillow.

"Well I won't bother you about it if you don't want me to but can you at least let me in?"

I asked.

Aracel sighed but let me in her bedroom.

"Come in."

She said softly.

I saw Arceus laying in her bed curled up in a little ball. I was surprised that the bed could hold Arceus's weight. I walked over and and pet Arceus on the head.

"Hello my dear child how are you today?"

Asked Arceus using its telepathy.

"I'm doing great but there seems to be a lot of drama today. How about you?"

I asked while petting him on the head.

"I'm doing fine."

Said Arceus.

Aracel plopped down on the bed and Arceus snuggled up to Aracel.

"You two are lucky. If only Giratina and I were that close."

I said while sighing.

Sun and Moon Chronicles (Pokemon Fanfic) Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora