Chapter Fourteen: Mira the Contest Queen Part: 2

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Third Person POV

Plumeria looked at the crowd and this nervous feeling brought her back to when she was a twelve year old girl at her first Pokemon Contest.

"Go Crobat and Haunchcrow!"

She shouted releasing the two flying types.

"Crobat use haze!"

Shouted Plumeria.

Crobat used haze causing the battle field to be completely covered in smoke.

"Now Haunchcrow use use sky attack than go into double team!"

Shouted Plumeria.

Then several glowing copies of Haunchcrow flew through the smoke causing the crowd to become completely enamored by it all.

"Crobat use Gust and Haunchcrow use Dark Pulse!"

Then the smoke cleared and Gust Dark Pulse causing to make a shimmering light that spread throughout the stage.

"Now Haunchrow finish it with shadowball and Crobat use steel wing!"

Shadowball hit steel wing causing sparkles to rain down on the audience. The audience cheered and they looked enamored by her performance.

Lillian and her friends say in the audience and were amazed by Mira's performance.

Lillian's POV

"Woah... She's good..."

Said Mairin.

"I'll admit I thought I would be bored at this contest but man was I wrong. That performance was actaully fun to watch."

Said Alain.

"Wow so pretty!!!"

Said Hazel.

"She did a good job at showing off her Pokemon."

Said Selene.

"Serena better watch out for her because she's very good."

Said Rj.

"And kind of pretty."

Said Alec.

"Don't even think about it."

Said Rj glaring at Alec.


Shouted Alec.

Rj sighed and rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink sitting in the coaster of his chair.

"I'm so tired."

I said while yawning.

"Well duh!!! You didn't sleep for two straight days!!!"

Shouted Alain.

I glared Alain letting him know that I wasn't in the mood to deal with him and his know it all attitude.

"Here I brought some more energy drinks just in case."

Said Gladion handing handing me a drink out of his backpack

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