Chapter Eleven: Disaster at the Dance

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RivalRoseShipping Fanart made by Darkrose1000

Calem's POV

"Rj how do I look?"

I said while putting on my black jacket.

Rj helped me pick out a tux to wear to the party. I wanted to look nice for Lillian.


Said Rj looking at me.

"Well I'm nervous! I knew that she had feelings for Gladion and now Elio likes her too!"

I said while taking off my tie and throwing it on the bed.

"Dude she likes you! trust me! You should trust what I'm saying! I'm one of her closest friends besides Alain and Serena and they'll say the same thing! She really likes you. You shouldn't be worried."

Said Rj while putting my tie back on.

"I wish I weren't worried but I just a have a feeling."

"Well get over it relax and have fun!"

Said Rj playfully slapping my back.

I took and deep breath and looked in the mirror.

"Now you need to get dressed up for Hazel."

I said.

"Now you're going to tease me about Hazel!"

Said Rj.

"Who cares what VG says you need to relax."

I said.

"Just a minute ago I was telling you the same thing."

Said Rj sighing.

I sat down on my bed and looked out the window and saw Aracel talking to Alain. I knew that Alain like she'd but he also liked Mairin too.

It would be a difficult choice that Alain would have to make. At least I know that I love one girl. I liked Lillian the minute I saw her. I liked how her hazel eyes lit up every time she got excited about something.

I also love how smart and clever she is. Nothing can get passed her. She's one of the smartest girls I know.

I liked how sweet she was to Pokemon and people. Lillian can come off as invasive but she means well. I heard ash knocking on the door and Rj let him in.

"How do I look?"

Asked Ash.

"Your tie is tied backwards."

Said Rj giggling.

"Not again!"

Shouted Ash.

"Ash are those pit stains?"

Asked Rj pointing to the dark spots under the arms of ash's jacket.

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