Chapter four: The new kid across the street

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Lillian's POV

I walked into Professor Kukui's home and Gladion followed closely behind me along with Type: Null.

"Would you like to to talk to me in private about what's going on. Like I said before you can trust me."

I said.

Gladion green eyes gazed into my Hazel ones and he nodded.

"Thanks Lillian. You're one of the very few people I actually trust."

Said Gladion while giving me a reassuring smile.

"That's good to hear Gladion."

I said while smiling.

He was actually kind of cute when he smiles. I thought to myself. Stop it Lillian! You like Calem! I said while trying to fight my emotions in my head.

"Hey Lil! Did you find the information you were looking for?"

Asked Aracel while walking into the room.

"Actually yes I did. Team Skull is just a group of street thugs. they aren't really a threat to the world. However Colress was realized from prison a year ago and I heard he's doing illegal activities. He's not one to work alone though. He's definitely working for someone. Our friend Gladion might be able to tell us something. He's a former member of Team Skull but he's willing to help us."

I said.

"What do you know about Colress?"

Asked Aracel.

"It's a long story..."

Said Gladion.

"If you want you can just tell me."

I said.

"That would be best."

Said Gladion.

I nodded and Gladion lead me out into the hall where there was a more private setting.

"So what do you know."

I said.

"You know the Aether foundation right?"

Asked Gladion.

"Yes but what do they have to do with Colress."

I asked.

"Colress and my older sister Lusamine created Type: Null."

"So the leader of the Aether Foundation is your sister?!"

I asked in shock.

"Yes. She is. My parents were the ones who founded the company. The Aether Foundation was a family business. When our parents passed away of an illness, the family business was passed down to Lusamine about a year ago on her eighteenth birthday. The Aether foundation is for Pokemon that were hurt, or have been abused by humans. After a while the more abused and hurt Pokemon Lusamine saw the more she began to hate humanity and everything about it. Then she started talking about creating this perfect world filled with only Pokemon and a few chosen people. I tried to bring her to her scenses but she kept babbling on about it. At first I thought nothing of it until she hired Colress then I darted getting suspicious. I snuck down into the basement one day and saw that they created Type: Null. They wanted to use Type: Null to take down Legendary Pokemon since Type: Null was powerful enough to take on legendary Pokemon. They only treated Type: Null like a tool! Colress even said that Type: Null was nothing but a tool to them! I tried to step in and stand up for Type: Null but Lusamine went off on me and that's when I decided to help Type: Null. I even tried to get my little sister to come with me but she refused. So I ran away with Type: Null and took it in as my own Pokemon. Together we escaped from the Aether Foundation, and we went to Meli Meli Island. That when Guzma ran into to me. He knew everything about what I've been through and I'm not sure how he figured it out but he was the only one who took me in and if I joined Team Skull I thought I could take down the Aether foundation and expose it for what if really is, a group of lunatic set on eliminating all of humanity."

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