Chapter Twenty: Guzma's Secret Plan

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Lillian's POV

"I can't believe Guzma would betray us like that!"

Shouted Gladion.

"I don't think he would this note came flying out of this weird portal thingy two seconds ago along with these two flutes."

Said Plumeria.

"The Sun and Moon Flute?!"

Shouted Lillie in shock.

"Here's the note."

Said Plumeria.

It read...

Yo Kids,
I left through the ultra wormhole to keep Lusamine safe from Colress he's going to do something bad to her I know it! That's why I Left. Gladion and Selene you two have to play the flutes! Gladion you play the Sun flute and Selene you play the moon flute. If you do it will summon the two legendary Pokemon Solgeleo and Lunala then those two can open the wormhole! Go to Executor Island and please hurry! My friend Hapu can help you guys. She knows the lay out of the island very well. Aracel please stay safe! Arceus will be fine as long as I in the ultra wormhole to protect it. Please hurry!!! Lusamine's life could depend on it because Colress has gotten even crazier! Rj and Hazel snuck into the wormhole but don't worry they're safe with me. Arceus was able to snap out of mind control and sent this note through the portal along with the two flutes Lusamine and I have formed an alliance so I will be fine as long as the crazy lady and Colress don't find out. Arceus can't move because somehow Colress has gotten ahold of the red chain! I don't know how but he did and now Arceus can't do anything because Colress has complete control! Solgeleo and Lunaala should be able to help break Arceus from the red chain! Lillian we need Girtina she can also break the chain and she's the only Pokemon strong enough to face Darkrai! By the way Lucile is long gone! I'm so sorry Lillie and Gladion but that women has gone bananas those Ultra beasts have used their powers and made her go bonkers! It's a defense mechanism or that's what Lusamine told me at least. I swear Lusamine is the only one that's sane! I swear! The Ultra Wormhole is making Lucile go crazy and Colress is even crazier now believe it or not. I swear this guy he sold his soul to Purge he an Simon Darkrai at his will!!! As long as he has Darkrai's amulet he's unstoppable! That's why Lillian you have to bring Giratina and Xerneas Rj told you had those two Pokemon in your possession. Those two Pokemon are your only hope of stopping Colress! The only way to defeat Colress is to smash his amulet. I know if that happens it won't be pretty but it's the only way to stop him only someone pure of heart can break the amulet. That detail is important. Please hurry I'm counting on all of you!

"Oh my Arceus!"

Shouted Aracel in tears.

Alain ran over to Aracel and hugged her.

"Arceus is my best friend I don't hat would happen to him if he got hurt!"

Shouted Aracel in tears.

"Don't worry Guzma's protecting him."

Said Alain.

"Okay well what are we all standing here for! Let's all go to Executor Island. I mean someone has to save my boss as annoying as he is sometimes we still have to save him."

Said Plumeria.

"She's got a point."

Said Gold.

"Okay Lillian, Paul, Silver, Ash, Selene, Gold, Alec, Gladion, Calem, Lillie, and Elio you head to executor island. It won't be far by flying on Spark. The rest of you guys will come with me and meet them there."

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