Chapter 2 - Houses

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Marc E bassey - Having fun


"Bye Amorette" howls Derek as he awkwardly hugs me sending negative charges through my body. I stiffen in his arms because somehow it doesn't feel right. It didn't feel right to hug my own father. I was probably being harsh not hugging him back but I honestly didn't have the courage to say anything or hug him.

"Bye d-dad." I force out and he seemed to smile as I knelt down to grab my bags. My eyes were still puffy from the talk I had with Violet on the phone. Her cries could be heard from downstairs.

I don't blame Violet, I would've been tearing if I had found out she was moving the same night. Violet promised to come see me, she had known where I was moving to but wouldn't tell me as she said she'll break down in tears again. Although everything was turning to crap, I definitely needed a pick me up.


Is just what I need.

I felt calm despite the unexpected circumstances and with no expression I hop into the backseat of my mothers old worn down and beat up white car that had rusted over the years.

The car creaks as I climb in setting my suitcase in the boot. I shut the door and sit rigidly plugging my headphones in and turning my music on.

I liked listening to music when I was angry, sad, frustrated. It gave me time to cancel everything out. Almost like pausing time. Just for a moment.

Soon little droplets of rain start to decorate the car windows making my mood darken and sadden even more. I found that whatever music you listened to, created a type of element to your emotions that made you feel more. I could feel my tears threatening to prick at my eyes again, but I don't know if there were anymore tears left.

But other then that, I felt numb. Just as if I had paused time and watched my surroundings.

I look up to my right to see mum standing outside the car door hesitant to leave everything behind.



I could tell that she was struggling to say goodbye and nervous to overlook the fact that she had said she finally moved on. I was surprised she actually did something about Derek cheating on  unlike last time where she sulked and ate all the ice cream in the freezer.

I really didn't know what to think as I swiped my hood over my head to hide my puffy eyes and blew into the window causing it to fog up.

In my boredom, I write my name in the window 'Ámorette', My name was french, it meant 'little love'. I don't know why my parents named me that. I was quite confused in middle school when my friends would tease me saying it's a gay name. Although I genuinely liked it sometimes, I did wish my name was different.

  I look back out the boot window and see Derek standing under the shelter with the rain falling heavily now onto the deck. He was looking straight at me, I know I had seen something other then regret flicker in his eyes. Relief?

Mum hops into the car and her clothes are a bit damp from standing outside too long and kneels down onto her seat with the door letting in all the rain to burst in. Sadness is written all over her face. Her wrinkled top had managed to collect a few raindrops, changing the cream purple to a dark blue colour. How fragile she looked and pained. She looked so skinny that I could see her collar bones poking through her skin. She didn't look like the mother I had a few weeks ago.

The happy cheerful and care-free woman that I had noticed long ago, Instead she looked like a mental institute patient. Scary in a way, but friendly. She hops in fully and slams the door. Hard. I flinch at the noise as she quivers in her seat.

To be honest, I couldn't do anything, before I tried to hug her only getting rewarded by a shove. I couldn't get as close to her as I wanted and maybe she missed my touch because her repetitive glances in the mirror had a longing look in them. Longing for love.

I wanted to say sorry. I wanted to apologize for all the bad I had done. But nothing just seemed to matter anymore. So here I was, alone, restarting a new life. Maybe just maybe, I can restart and learn to be in a real relationship this time.

Here I was, in a worn down car. Nothing to offer to anyone. Going to some place unknown, a new school.

A New life.

New me.


The phone dials as the rain bellows louder and stronger. Gosh this weather was treating me like shit. Training better be canceled. We cannot do it in this wether, the team could injure themselves and then we'll be stuff for the semi-finals later on in the week,

The phone keeps dialling as I tap my finger against the changing room doors. "Sorry, I have missed your call, please pick up after the tone-" I hang up and kick the wall hard to distract me from my boredom. It was already getting dark and dad was supposed to pick me up.

I can't do football training, not in this weather. It's too wet and the grass will be too slippery for me and Jason to practice our kickoffs from the 35 to 50 yard-lines. Me and Jason can't train in this weather. I ring dad again and he still doesn't pick up. What is that douche bag up to now?

My phone rings in my pocket and I furiously answer it with a huff. "Hey Hunter, Just saying training is still on, We need you and Jason to practice your kickoffs from the 35 to 50 yard-lines. We've already won two games bringing us to the semi-finals. So we need this training because our semi-final game is in a few days so we need to get ready for it if we want to win." Coach says through the phone.

I stand there shocked. "Hey coach, uh I don't think I can make training, my dad has already picked me up" I lie.

"Don't play lies with me son, you're standing in front of the boys changing rooms. I'm not stupid, now hurry up and get changed otherwise it's double." I groan as coach hangs up and to my left on the field I hadn't noticed that nearly half the team had already gotten changed. I quickly get changed and head out onto the field fitting my football helmet on.

"Hey mate, look Hunter's finally 'ere." shouts Riley. I shake hands with everyone as we huddle and warm up. I look up and the clouds look menacing, scary in fact. God this training better better be bloody worth it. 

"Okay team, First drill, Suicides." shouts coach. My muscles warm up in adrenaline as I lead the team.

This was gonna be a long training.

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