Chapter 4- Wendy's and Him.

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Marc E bassy - Dirty Water

I made sure to eat slow and savour my food. I also needed to have a shower once we got home. I looked out the window noticing that the rain had gone down a bit as we chewed on our food. I looked out onto the road seeing as other cars had passed.

The whole restaurant was quiet. Soon we'd be the only ones here. I kept eating as I looked around at the empty place. This place was so deserted. I already knew where Roseville was, it was a few hours away from our place which was Oldsdale. Roseville was a little town that had the best football team in River End High School that had won the championships three times in a row each year.

They were bound to win the championships coming up soon, again this year. I read in the newspaper yesterday. With the headlines "RIVER END HIGH SCHOOL FIGHTING FOR CHAMPIONS CUP 4TH TIME IN A ROW."

Imagining their training with blood, sweat and tears would've made them hungry for the Champions Cup. Taking me out of my trance a man with I'm guessing his son walked in with frowns. I'd seen that boy before. That's right. The newspaper for their football team. His name was Hunter.

Hunter Williams.

Tell me again, but this guy was strikingly hot. His hair looked cleanly washed and his eyes were a nice brown. His face could've been carved by Gods. His photo of him holding last years Champion Cup was on the newspaper. What was he doing in this little place hours from Roseville.


The doors creaked open as we walked into Wendys. The first thing I noticed was the lights as they blinded my eyes. I looked up and noticed a girl gaping at me by the window. I know. I had this effect on most girls. She was cute though and by far her eyes are what made me drawn to her in that very second.

She had nice dark brown hair and her eyes were blue as sapphire, I smiled at her as she realised her mouth was open and she quickly looked away. A woman's back was facing me as I looked at them both. The woman looked old and her posture was slanted forward a bit.

Focusing where my feet went, I pulled up behind my dad as he walked to the counter and started ordering our food. I could feel the girls eyes staring holes into my back. It felt nice to be looked at like this again. Alice wouldn't have been happy if we were still dating.

This girl was different, she had a mean aura to her but she looked friendly in a way. She's already gotten me confused.

Coach finished training early. We only had an hour instead of three. Only because it was raining and the weather had been seen as getting worse. The rain had cleared off now. "Hunter, Sprite? I'll have a coke and Marie and the children will want?" sputtered Dad as he finished ordering the food.

"Yep, and the family will want Sprite too." We were going to go to our cousins house and surprise them, I mean c'mon it was a Friday night. We were surprising Aunt Marie with Wendys. Her favourite Fast-Food restaurant.

She lived in Oldsdale. A small town a few hours from Roseville where we lived. The death of my mother caused Aunt Marie to move away. She didn't want to be reminded about my Mum. Which kinda made me angry.

So us going over there was a monthly surprise. "Son, can you grab the drinks?" bellowed dad. I nodded and noticed the girl on the other side was staring at me. She looked flabbergasted as her eyes widened. "You're Hunter Williams from River End High School?" She stated. I smiled and wink. "Yep, that's me" I replied, this was gonna be good. I guess people did read the newspapers in this generation, thank god.

People could finally see how handsome and successful I was, Unlike my father. It was never my father that came to my games. It was always my mum. Always. "Ah, yes you mean my son?, Very successful boy this one." Interrupted dad patting me on my back. Which lurched me forward. Drinks in hand. The moment he said that I smiled for the first time in what seemed like months. A smile that I truly meant. I only wanted to make my dad happy.

The girl I recall Chelsea smiled a pearly white smile at me and then flicked her hair over her shoulder. I would've found that very sexy, however that girl sitting by the window behind me was lingering in the back of my mind. Like a memory that I didn't want to forget.

Amorettes P.O.V

I could see him thinking and smile as his dad had said something to make that girl Chelsea chuckle. He had a nice smile. One that wouldn't fit his bad boy look. He looked kind and yet intimidating.

I had been watching him for so long I hadn't seen my mum get up and pack up her rubbish. I hurried after her as she walked to the bin.

"Hun, I need to go to the toilet, I'll be back okay?"she whispered as I ate the other half of my burger. I nodded and acknowledged the fact she had cleared up a bit. So here I am, awkwardly standing in the middle of the restaurant next to a bin.

I noticed Hunters dad cuss when his card had declined three times for the drinks because there wasn't enough money. I watched as Hunter puffed in annoyance. "Lemme go get some loose coins I left in the car." I heard Hunters dad say as I stood quietly by the bin. Hunter jerked his head and I saw him mumble 'hurry'.

So now it was just me, Hunter and the girl behind the counter fangirling hunter. I couldn't blame her, I couldn't even eat my whole burger without staring at him.

I stood tapping my fingers against my drink as I sipped quietly. All of a sudden, Hunter looked up and we met eye contact once again. Oh god. He's a mighty fine specimen. I wanted my mum to hurry in the toilet to get out of here because Hunter was digging holes into me. But I also wanted her to stay longer, just so maybe, I could say hi.

His eyes looked more beautiful, in the light. Chestnut brown with a hint of sparkle. Almost as if his eyes were smiling.

He opened his mouth as to say something but then closed it as his dad rushed back in and Hunter immediately dropped his gaze and looked down. My mother came rushing out the toilet and I stood there sadly. He wanted to talk to me. I just knew it.

My chance was wasted.

"Get in the car now Amorette, you can finish your food in the car."whispered my mum. I smiled at her, she was starting to sound more relaxed then she was before.. I notice her look at Hunters dad and maybe just maybe I had seen lust deep in her eyes. I knew she was just missing Derek. That'd also be weird if she thought she could get with Hunter's dad. They'll never be a thing.

As we excited Wendys, I saw Hunter flick his eyes my way and I knew that I'd see him next week, After all, I was going to the same school as he was.


I excited the car with anticipation to see the house. I could only see the garden at the moment as I walked passed the mailbox. The night sky was absolutely beautiful, the moon was shining and I led the way to the front door as mum followed behind me. I could hear our faint breaths filling the silence. Surely winter was coming, the air was crisp and cold which sent shivers down my spine.

The crunching of branches under our feet were satisfying to listen to as we crumpled them into the ground. It was dark but the house was a two-storey house and mother opened the door with a key she got out of her pocket.

She unlocked the door and told me that my stuff will be delivered tomorrow because Derek was getting a moving van. She turned on the dim light for the lounge which revealed rusty walls and an old fireplace. So for now I had to sleep on a mattress that we had brought. I set up my bed in the lounge while mum set up her bed across from mine.

The house smelt old and damp. I could see rust appearing on the white walls. Eww. This house seemed old. I guess I needed the rest because tomorrow will be a big day.

I grabbed a couple of blankets and quickly fell into a deep sleep on the mattress in the same clothes I had came here with. I was too tired to do anything and move. I turned over to see my mother sitting with her head in her knees and I could hear her sobbing.

I wanted to hug her and tell her it was okay. But I couldn't heal the damage Derek did to her.

I fell asleep with my mother weeping.

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