Chapter 3 - Eat up

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PARYNEXTDOOR - Persian Rugs (Above)

"Now!" I hear coach shout meters away from me. I run with determination, rain clouding my vision as I kickoff from the 50 yard line. My leg springing into action as I use as much of my force to kick the ball, the slippery grass weakening my balance and accuracy.

But the ball goes over the post easy, only a few inches away from coaches preferred spot. I fist pump the air as I watch it fly through the rain. Like a bird dodging the rain.

The air moist as I breathe it in. I was never into footy, but my old man had a friend named John, which was my coach. I've been playing for at least two years now. "Nice Hunter!" shouts Jason. He comes up behind me and pats me on the back.

The rain was making the field extra slippery which made me wobble as I was walking over to coach. God damn this fucking weather.

By the time training was finished which was only an hour because the rain had gotten worse, everyone was soaked from the rain. There was something about rain I liked. Part of me knew there was a soft side to me when it rained. It calmed me.

I walk back to the changing rooms dripping as I head into the locker rooms. Clicking my locker open, I dry myself with a towel and get changed.

Looking at my phone, I had five missed calls from Mister big man himself, I lived with my dad now. My mother passed away last year. I used to live with her, but now live with dad. He's alright.

I dial dad and he picks up straight away, I could tell he wasn't happy.

Amorettes P.O.V

"Honey, Wake up and come on and get something to eat." whispers mum as she nudges my shoulder in the backseat. Her voice was so soft. I missed her voice. I open my eyes and music was still playing through my headphones as I hop out.

I check my phone, 7:30pm. I slept that long? Wow. Usually I slept for at least half an hour.

I look around and noticed we had stopped at Wendys. A little happiness sparks inside of me as my mouth started to water for the junk food. Mum locks the car as I strode to her side. We walk cautiously through the rain that was definitely falling hard now. Like massive tears from the gods up there.

Persian rugs plays through my headphones as we near the double doors. It had been my most played for a few months. I don't how I stumbled upon it, maybe in my recommendations? YouTube was getting better at recommending now.

Skipping back to reality, mum opens the doors letting the warmth and mouth watering smell engulf us. I could already taste the fries and burgers in my mouth. The lights were dim but bright enough to see. Not many people were here, late tonight I guess.

My hood was still on, taking it off mother orders our food letting me order the drinks for both of us. "Mountain dew for me, Coke for her please. Thank you." I say to the young girl standing on the other side of the counter. Her name was Chelsea.

"Would that be a large? or Medium?" replies Chelsea. "umm medium please for both." I smile. Their large drinks were as big as toddlers, there was no way me and mum would finish that. We'd be lucky if we finished a medium.

Chelsea had nice chestnut hair that fell down just under her shoulders and nice chocolate eyes. I wish I had brown eyes, other than, blue. I've been getting tired of these blue orbs.

I wait for the drinks and then pick them up of the counter sending a kind and friendly smile. She smiles back and waves. "Enjoy your drinks!" she says as I waddle to where mum is sat down by a window. I nod at Chelsea as I walk away from her genuinely liking her welcoming view that she gives off.

I watch as mum sits there with the table number in her hand looking out the window. She looked so lonely, so exhausted. I hope she was okay. I hope it wasn't my fault that her and Derek had split up, again.

Maybe I needed to tell her that honesty pays, and that it doesn't seem to pay enough to suit people. But the state she was in reminded of her body being seen as a wine glass. Held so much, yet broke at the slightest touch.

I already know he lied about going to see that Laura chick. I knew that he wasn't out with his friends on those Saturday nights. He was with her, Laura. I hadn't had the guts to tell mother, she would've been broken, but after witnessing this mess. I wish I had the courage to have told her.

It sadden me that he would do this again, after all my mother has done for him and he cannot even see that she loved him with her life.

I place the drinks down careful not to spill them and sit down awkwardly trying not to disturb her peace. "Where are we staying?" began a voice. Only realizing that it was mine. She snaps out of her trance and looks at me with the same look she had given a year ago when she had found out that Derek was cheating on her. My mood sadden even more seeing her this way.

"Me and D-Derek bought a house a few weeks back, I didn't know why he wanted to, But I guess it came to this. He was ready for me to leave him." she begins with her voice stopping. I wait there and look at her to go on. What does she mean they bought a house?

"So we bought a house in RoseVille, near River end High school, which will be the school you'll be attending next week. We have enough money to feed us for a month.....I don't know...I just don't know." she mumbles with her eyes watering.

I look at her and my eyes start to fill up. I couldn't see her this way. It broke me into pieces seeing mum cry over some low life guy that couldn't even get a job. Derek wasn't worth it. But I knew she loved him.

Just like when I loved Dylan.

Moments later after the silence, Our food was ready. Mum stands up and wipes her jeans, straddling off towards the counter. I sigh as I look out the window. I didn't have anything to say to her. I hated arguing. I just wanted to be happy and forget about everything that had happened in the past few years. I didn't want this to repeat itself.

I wanted to at least help mum but not after two breakups. I can't heal something that's been broken twice. I felt sorry for myself and my mother. She really didn't deserve Derek. How angry that makes me feel.

I watch as she walks back with the food in her hands and we start to eat together in silence.

"Please talk Mum. I miss talking about everything." I whisper hearing the double doors cream open to the restaurant. But she just sits there chewing with her body motionless except for her jaw.

Something had died in her and I could see it in her eyes.

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