Chapter 9 - One to Zero

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Amorette's P.O.V

I bite into my purple coloured sandwich from the beetroot savouring the chicken pieces coating my tongue in mayonnaise. If food orgasms existed, I would be having one right now.

River End High School Canteen, I'm impressed. This sandwich is the best I've had since I can here a few days ago.

Alex had stopped talking to me after the, kiss.

I didn't understand why he was being such a snob let alone, leave me sitting by myself in English having to sit next Ebony.

All she did was chat about school and how when she was little she had also been from a broken home. Her parents divorcing.

It almost reminded me of him.


The scumbag.

I go to take another bite, when all of a sudden my sandwich is knocked straight out my hands by a soccer ball.

I watch in slow motion as my sandwich flies to the ground sending me to fly forward bumping my head on someone's leg.

My sandwich!

"I'm sorry, I-I was just" I start to apologise at my clumsiness and my sandwich spread out all over the concrete. "Hey, Im sorry, let me help you" an unfamiliar voice comes closer towards me and I look up.

I meet eyes with a pair of nicely groomed eyebrows and dark chocolate eyes that sparkle.

I almost swoon, if it hadn't been for the ball that knocked my sandwich.

"Hi, umm well I could buy you another sandwich from the canteen, I'm really sorry about that" he says glancing at the state I'm in. I flick imaginary crumbs off my skirt and stand up in a huff.

"It's fine, I was just leaving" I mumble angrily. "What? It's my first time playing soccer and I happen to kick the ball at a pretty girl, we were meant to be." He replied cheekily.

I grimace and internally gag, I don't believe in true love at first sight. But then that can't explain the warmth in my face when I hear him say pretty girl.

"The names Riley, it's nice to meet you? He explains holding out his hand. I reluctantly return the gesture suddenly noticing a few eyes looking towards the us.

But only one pair of eyes stand out from the rest.

Hunters eyes. Like staring into heaven.

He stares intently at me for a second and he drops his gaze once I notice him facing back to his friends almost ignoring that we ever glanced at each other.

I notice that Riley has kicked the ball back towards his mates and he's sat down next to me as I stand.

"Amorette" I reply sitting down next to Riley aware of the close proximity. "That's a pretty name, where about a are you from?" He says grinning. His teeth sparkle in the sun. His hair is a dark blonde and his cheekbones look like they've been chiseled by Gods.

Like Hunter.

"I'm from Oldsdale, long story short, it sucks coming from a broken home." I mutter looking down and fidgeting with my fingers. He notices my nervousness and continues talking. "Tell me 'bout it" he replies with worry written on his face.

My head perks up at his honesty and his emotion. Riley.

Something tells me he knows exactly what I've been through. Other than Ebony.

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