Chapter 10 - The invitation

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Amorette's P.O.V

I could hear a soft voice calling me.

Katy Perry?

Somewhere from afar.

I was surrounded by darkness all around me.

"Pictures of last night ended up online, I'm screwed, oh well" sounded Katy Perry through my alarm.

I groaned.

Because it wasn't Friday today. It was only Wednesday. But also because I still haven't talked to Alex and I don't want to be reminded of another day gone without talking to him. About what happened at his place.

I turn my alarm off in a hurry, to shut Katy Perry up. The vibrations come to a stop and I cuddle more inside my duvet.

Just ten more minutes and I'll get ready.

What felt like 5 minutes, I woke groggy and the sun shining through my window.

Checking my phone, I groan again. "Shit" I curse under my breath as I stumble out of bed still in my slumber. My head hurts so bad. I had fifteen minutes to get ready. It was 8:15am.

In my groggy state, I end up banging my big toe on a cardboard box that had some of my belongings in it. "Mother Trucker" I curse again at the box.

I notice that most of the boxes from Derek's still haven't been emptied. The moving van only came yesterday afternoon and mum just shoved my boxes into my room leaving me to unpack.

Not that I'm complaining.

There are some things you can't have your mother find out about.

Hence, why I was grateful for her not going through my things.

I wash my face, applying mascara and a little bit of foundation instantly looking much better than I was when I woke up.

My eyes were a glazed and gross blue, probably due to no sleep. I haven't been able to sleep without  at least thinking about Hunter or Alex.

Or Riley.

"Darling, are you ready to leave" yells mum downstairs. Her voice sounds more chirpy today. More happy. My heart races as I try to pack my bag and put my uniform on at the same time.

I swear, that if there was a competition for being the fastest to get ready in the morning.

I would definitely win.

With a gold medal.

Just as I'm about to leave my room, I grab my phone and stop and stand there looking around my room.

So much has changed. With Derek gone. A New life. New me.

The sun was glistening over a photo frame of me and Violet on my bedside table. Her arm was lunged over my neck as we laughed into the camera.

I miss her. I haven't been able to speak to her lately. She's been missing my calls lately. I hope we can talk soon.

I adjust my hair in my mirror that's propped up between two other cardboard boxes and the wall and leave shutting my bedroom door.

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