Chapter 8 - The Quarterback

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Hunter's P.O.V

Training was getting hectic this week. Damn stupid semi-finals. I had nothing against the semi-finals game, but I mean, five trainings a week is more than enough I think.

I slam my locker shut and head outside towards coach in the field by the benches. The grass was still a little damp under my feet from the heavy rain yesterday, but at least the sun was shining. "Suicides! Now!" Yells Coach. I huff a deep breath and start off at the line doing suicides with my team mates.

"Hey, Hunter? Did you hear there's a new girl at our school?" chirps my team mate Riley, running next to me. My senses jerk me to face him.

She's in my English class, hell, there's no way I'm telling this freak about her in my class. Who knows what he's up to now? Her name was Amor- Amorette. It suits her.

I pretend I don't hear him for a bit and then nudge him with a wink. "Whys that?" I reply sharply watching him as we both touch the 100 metre line and running back again.

"Because I'm gonna be the first one in her pants." I shake my head laughing. But I don't understand the feeling of jealousy that pinches when he says that. Shit, I feel like I need to protect this girl from him. Something I've never felt before in my life.

"Oh, asking for a competition?" I ask egotistically. Riley looks at me with his dark brown eyes and stares without blinking. "Oh it's on. Whoever gets her first, the loser has to pay one hundred," he pauses for a second making sure he's got my attention and by the way the silence follows after he definitely has my attention. "In cash." I breathe in a gasp and grin at him. We both punch each other and I push him out of my way running to the 200 metre line.

Did I just agree to bet for Amorettes v card?

I definitely did so.

Amorettes P.O.V

"I totally agree!" I shout as I wrestle with Alex to grab the PlayStation controller. We've been trying to pick a movie for the past hour and haven't succeeded. I can say that I've gotten quite comfortable with Alex. I never knew you could just click. Just like that, with someone.

He hugs the controller as I try hard to unlock his arms when all of a sudden I am chucked off the couch with such force, I knock my head on the ground with a thud.

" Amorette!, Oh my gosh!" I feel a pair of big hands cradle my arms flipping me on my back. My vision is blurry, but I laugh to mask the dizziness as it eventually comes back.

As my sight re-adjusts, me and Alex are staring at each other, hard. There's almost a comfortable tension that connects us together. But nothing else matters, suddenly he bends down and my nerves go on alert. He bends over and grabs the controller that escaped from his hand, that's now situated beside my head. I breathe a breath of relief and I think he notices to as he sits back up and smiles.

Something about the atmosphere changes. The last time I ever kissed a boy was Dylan. And, he was my first. But nothing could compare to this, me and Alex were wrapped up in time. Like time slowed down, and we were fully aware of what was going on.

I feel tingles up my spine as he bends over again, but this time, I'm relaxed. I'm clam and I suddenly don't feel awkward or tension, I feel something else radiating off Alex as he bends down further. Closer to my face.

What was this? What-

I feel his hand stroke my cheek and then his lips.

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