Chapter 7 - "Hello."

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(Russ - We just haven't met yet)

"Here's my house." smiles Alex as we near a house on my left. I look to my left in absolute awe. "Woah, this is beautiful." I mumble as Alex walks beside me, so close that I can feel his warmth radiating off of him. I smile looking towards the house.

It was a beautiful creme coloured home that looked warm and comforting. There were steps in gravel that led to the front door which was see-through and made of glass with a black border.

I must say, I was impressed.

The house looked nice for a small family. "Do you have any siblings?" I ask breaking the silence as we stand together. I enjoyed the silence that had managed to gather since we stopped walking. I grip my bag handles and fidgetwith them.

I've suddenly gotten very nervous and I don't know why.

"My sister lives in Paris, lucky her but I just live with my parents in this house, I know it's probably not much but it's better for our family. As you can tell I don't really have friends because I was hanging out with you at school. But you're different. More open. But also mysterious." chuckles Alex as he stares at me smiling.

Yeah, he didn't seem like the guy that hung around a lot of others, but I was pleased that he hung out with me today.

"What about you little love? Any family?" He says mimicking my name as he kicks a stone on the path.

I snicker at the nickname as I inhale. "Well I just moved here a few days ago, I live around the corner with my mum. Things- have happened at home and as you can see over there." I say cautiously trying not to scare him off with how deep this conversation had gotten. I point to the pale white roof that pokes out from the trees. "There is my house that we moved into." I notice Alex looking at me.

Things have happened at home that he didn't need to know about.

Derek happened.

"Oh."Is all Alex says before I shrug off the conversation.

"It's okay, really. At least I'm still trying to get over some things at home." I wipe my hands on my skirt as I adjust my stance. "Did you want to come in? I can show you around if you want." he asks in the silence.

Hopefully, mum wouldn't mind if I'm a little late. I know it was a bit early for Alex to ask but I mean what could possibly go wrong. He was a nice guy and he was very attractive.

I nod my head and smile.


We walk up together and the gentlemen Alex is, opens the front door as I step in taking my shoes off. "Wow, it's even better inside." I state as I walk into the space and wave my arms at my sides.

This place was so much comfier and is was way more spacious then the one me and my mum had. But it was the least she could do since Derek had deliberately left her.

I place my bag next to Alex's as I walk to my left now entering the lounge. I gasp at the spacious room. In the lounge, it had a few couches and a lamp that gave off an orange tint to the room. Surely it was daytime, I don't know why you would need the light on. Suddenly, the lamp light turns off making the room return to its original white colour, making me flinch.

What in the world-

"Sparkles, Stop playing with the light." announces Alex as he walks towards the lamp. I can't see who Sparkles is until I see a white cat jump from in front of Alex and run off out the lounge. The glimpse of the cat glistens in the sun as it runs bouncing onto the couches like a ninja only to meow violently.

I love cats. Although, Sparkles seemed to act much more like a dog rather than a cat. I stare off into the dining room that has an orange glass table with expensive cushioned seats on either side.

"If you like cats, well you won't like this one, she's a nutcase, anyways are you hungry?" he says as he walks into the dining room. I follow him and I'm not surprised that his kitchen also looks like something out of a magazine.

Wow. How did his parents pay for a house so beautiful?

I chuckle and I'd feel bad for saying yes to his offer yet I mean, he offered? Can that really hurt?

"um yes?" I question rather then answer. He turns around in his massive kitchen that has beautiful decorations on the bench and opening the fridge grabbing out a bowl of mixture of some sort and a carton of orange juice.

"It's okay really, we'll just have some pancakes while we wait for my parents to come home." he smiles as he turns the stove on and gets a fry pan out. "Thank you." I stammer as his back is turned to me. He gives me the thumbs up and I watch as his arm muscles ripple through his blouse. Oh god. He's a beautiful piece of specimen.

I don't know what to do as I stand in the middle of his dining room probably looking like a lost puppy. "So where do your parents work?" I ask as I take a seat on the expensive dining room chairs careful to not damage anything.

Without turning and already making a sizzling noise with the pancake mixture his shoulders tense.

"They work for the Flexlane Company, which is about 20 minutes away from our house." he says.

Flexlane Company?

I have never heard of that company before.

I can tell his shoulders have tensed so I don't say anything as I watch his shoulders relax.

"Want a drink of Juice, Water, Tea, Coffee?" mumbling as buries his head in the fridge. Before he names all the drinks in his fridge I stop him. "Water please." I mutter politely as I watch him pour me an orange juice in a glass. I look at him confused as he places the juice on the table in front of me.

" You can thank me later." I hear him say as he smirks and walks back to the stove. Was I an open book? Or did he have telepathic powers. My mouth is watering at the glass of Orange Juice.

The orange juice sits there looking so tempting, with condensation dripping on the sides of the glass making my mouth water. I was suddenly thirsty from the walk from school to here.

I grab it eagerly and sip it slowly saving the moment of the sweetness dripping down my throat cooling my thirst. I don't want to drink it in one go, as that would be impolite, so I place it back down and notice he's staring at me and instantly I feel a rush of warmth creep up onto my cheeks.

"Pancakes for two my little love?," laughs Alex as he rounds the table with pancakes and places some raspberries on top. I watch as the steam lifts into the air creating a warm smell. The smell of maple syrup and pancakes wafting through the air into my nostrils .


Sorry this chapter was short, I will try update as fast as I can soon bye!!! 🌺 Ik this one was a filler. But there's more coming.

- P.Mcl

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