4| Fortunate Falls

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Lawfully Dysfunctional

A peaceful Sunday whizzed by, leaving nothing but a slightly blackened face and the smell of smoke in my nostrils. The rest of the week was great, I would even call it spectacular. I got a job interview with a company that I was sure I was going to get into, I call it my intuition, which fifty percent of the time was right. As for the other fifty percent? It once got me dunked into ice cold water, had a brick thrown on my head and also caused me to get grounded multiple times.

Walking into the glass building was exhilarating. Seeing that I hoped to work here soon and it was beautifully designed. The only downside to the office building was that it was a good five subway stations away from home, but a lot could be done in the waiting hour, hopefully.

As I sat, waiting to be called into the room I kept wringing my hands nervously since this was the first interview I was giving in quite a long time. I didn't want to leave my bartending job, but it obviously didn't pay well enough and my parents would not let me live away from them until and unless I had a decent job in a good company.

'Miss Palmer?' I raised my hand, despite being the only one waiting there. 'You may go in.' The receptionist smiled.

I nervously smoothed down my skirt and adjusted my bags shoulder strap in place, I knocked on the door and heard a sharp 'Come in'.

A lady sat behind the moderately sized desk and looked up at me as I shuffled into the room.

'Good morning Ma'am.' I greeted her.

'Good morning Miss Palmer, please take a seat.' I sat down instantly.

'You are her for the post of an intern in the legal department, correct?' I replied positively.

'May I know why hadn't you applied directly from your college for an internship, seeing that your college is our main supplier for talented young interns.' She asked.

'Well, I wanted to take a break and so took up a small part time job till I was ready. It's been some time and I feel like now is the correct time for me to apply, I've spent quiet some time thinking about what exactly I want to do and about my five and ten year plans."

She asked me a few questions to which I replied to honestly, well, mostly. The interview ended with polite smiles and the promise of a call very soon if I was chosen.

The burger place around the corner was something I wanted to try ever since my eye fell upon it, so as I waited for my Double Cheese Meatlover's burger to be prepared I went and learnt a little more about my hopeful future employer and it was pretty interesting since the CEO was a woman with a squeaky clean reputation and amazing influence.

I gorged on my meal and took the subway home. I saw a man on the subway who was tall and his hair colour was very similar to the rude man I had an altercation with the previous week. I made my way to where he was standing to give him a piece of my mind and the thought of a billionaire heir taking a subway struck my mind. Seemed like he liked the simpler part of life, or maybe his stupid car caught fire or broke down so the rich spoiled brat was forced to use common public transport. A smile came on my face thinking of his offender car in pieces.

I tapped his shoulder harshly and took a step back, waiting for him to turn around to acknowledge my tap.

'Yes?' Green eyes looked at mine curiously, though I could see the annoyance barely hidden as he cocked an eyebrow at me.

I smiled sheepishly and felt like hitting my head on the holding pole by my side.

'A- I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.' I smiled sheepishly.

'That's okay, but make sure that you tap the right person next time. What did the guy do to receive the assault anyways?' He asked. I leaned against the door and took his appearance in. He too was pretty good looking. Tall, green eyed and assumably decent was my diagnosis of his character.

'It's a long story, but he isn't winning any awards for his personality."

'Did he misbehave with you?' The stranger asked suddenly serious.

'Nah, just being as arsehole.' I laughed.

'What's your name?' He asked.

'Freya, yours?'

'Scott, nice to meet you Freya.'

'I can say the same thing.' I smiled, 'And once again I'm really sorr-'

'It's alright.' He gave me a small smile, the door opened and I fell backwards and it was just my luck that Scott caught me on time otherwise I would be on my way to a hospital. The passengers were staring at me and I blushed, quietly scooting towards the corner of the train. The doors started to close and I waved at a concerned looking Scott, I regretted not taking his number to keep in touch or something, but who knows, I may meet him again.

In the evening I got a call from the Human Resources department of the company I interviewed for and I was pleased to tell my family that I got the job. Danny was exited because she claimed that this was an opportunity for her to have the house to herself the whole day and my parents looked proud of me. It wasn't a huge achievement, but getting it on my own merit was something that gave me immense happiness.

We ordered pizza and watched some television before everyone decided that it was bedtime.


A/N: Heyo you guys! I got like half of this chapter done in a day and it took me the other three-four days to get the second half written down.

Did you miss Dimitri in this chapter?

What is your favourite pizza?



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