This is Gay

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Fresh woke up the next day at 7:00am sharp. As usual. He got up and went downstairs. Quietly sneaking past papyrus, who was sleeping calmly on the couch. He went into the kitchen and made himself breakfast. Wheat cakes with no syrup on it whatsoever. Everybody found it disgusting that he ate things like this. Sitting at the dining table he flipped through his phone, scrolling through tumblr and checking all his games (which all happened to be games mothers play on facebook). When a groggy figure stomped into the tiled room. Papyrus. It was now 8:32. Apparently he couldn't sleep.

Papyrus sat with him and talked for a bit before the skeleton began to make breakfast for everyone else in the house. Fresh knew he'd be making pancakes since it was easy and Pap was most likely busy with some thing Fresh didn't care much about. He decided that today he'd probably leave after every one woke up so he could skateboard and yell at people on the side walk. Maybe hurt someone for Jay walking.

As 10:24 rolled around Papyrus went around and woke everyone up. All of them being Sans' though they weren't to keen on waking up this early. Even TRTL who was used to waking up earlier than the rest. Fresh put on his rainbow barf jacket and was deciding whether or not to skateboard or use his heelies when Error stalked up to him. "Where the Fuck are you going?"

"Oh hey bruh I'm just gonna go skate around the town for a few" he smiles brightly. Adjusting his frames.

Error made a sound of disgust and rolls his eyes, glitching ever so slightly. "Fine. Whatever. Hurry up so we can watch Friends you freak" he growled before sinking into the kitchen. Fresh bubbles with a feeling of happiness.

Fresh picked up his skateboard and opened the door. Papyrus yelled a "Be good!" As he left the large building. Flipping into his skateboard and rolling into the sidewalk. Showing off his moves to no one but himself.

Fresh's day was just like any other. He skated, Did some tricks, Went to get a smoothie, harassed some children at the park, got another smoothie. Basically the usual. As Fresh skates he runs into someone.

Another monster, They're a large blob with eyes and mouths everywhere. They ended up talking for about two hours. Walking together. The blobs name was Squroo. A shapeshifting monster who had a surprising amount in common with Fresh.

They exchange numbers and decide to meet up again. Fresh knows his chances with Error will never succeed. So instead he decides. Maybe to try someone else. And he'll get right over Error.
"So Error how'd you sleep?" Papyrus asked as he sat at the table with the rest. Error shrugged "okay"

"Are you ok Error?" Papyrus asked, held tilting to the side.

"When has he ever been ok" Sans yawned. Shoving a mouthful of pancake into his mouth.

Papyrus growled slightly. "Sans be quiet -and stop being so messy!!" He sighed. Looking back at Error who was glaring in Sans' direction. "Sorry about that. But you know if anything is wrong-"

"Everything is fine" Error glitches. Coding up his food. (Including the plate) and standing. Quickly going to his room.

Papyrus bonked Sans on the head. "Don't be so rude!"

"I wasn't I was being honest." He chuckled. Standing and leaving the room. Fell watching him leave, and next to him TRTL making face of disgust.

Papyrus sighed. Listening for a bit to Fell and TRTL's conversation about Neopets before deciding to go upstairs and see what's going on with Error. But of course as he began to go he was called back into the kitchen. They wanted to talk about Neopet colors with him and TRTL's idiotic idea to change a chocolate pet into speckled.

Error groaned and flopped onto his bed waiting til Fresh got home. He angrily checked the time every few minutes. Papyrus came in around 12:44pm. "Error I wanted to ask what's wrong" he steps over some dirty laundry and sat on the bed.

Error sat up. Crossing his arms. "Everything is fine.." He hissed. "Error I'm not a bafoon I know you're lying" Papyrus said smugly. Before pulling Error into a small hug.

"I-I just don't wanna talk about it. Thanks though" Papyrus nodded. Comforter him. And then left.

Error was angry because it wasn't til 3:48pm that Fresh got home. He hated it when Fresh didn't come home quickly. Who'd he watch Friends with?! That was over five hours of what could've been watching Friends time. When Fresh walked in though. He calmed a bit. Letting the other slide beside him as Fresh explained his day to Error. Something about yelling at kids and almost pushing someone into heavy traffic.

Fresh then explained he met someone new. Another monster. He told Error their name and basically everything he'd learned about them today. Error shivered with jealousy. Sure it would probably be nothing but Error couldn't help but be a bit unhappy. He tried to get over it as he tuned out Fresh. Starting his favorite show.

Error was just glad he was back. In the middle of watching Friend's Fresh fell asleep. Curled up beside the glitch. Error softly moved a hand down and stroked his skull. Smiling slightly.


This was gay.

Papyrus peeked in at some point. Smiling. Seeing Error in a better mood. He hopped downstairs and started cleaning...


As he vacuumed he thought. Error had started being angry when Fresh was out more... Error wanted to spend all his time with Fresh. He nearly dropped the vacuum. He knew Fresh had a weird thing for Error (though Fresh had a weird thing with everybody). He squealed silently.

He knew exactly what was going on!

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