Just a sort of cute chapter

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Sans was too mildly drunken to really care about what Papyrus was saying, papyrus dragging sans to his room. "we will talk about this tomorrow!
Error made a groggy noise as he forced himself up to open his eyes. He groaned and rolled over- tumbling off the bed face first he huffed. He sat up and rubbed his forehead, mumbling an "ouch that fucking hurt" as he forced himself to stand. He stretched and looked around his mostly empty room. He slowly walked out after a minute or so, slumping down the stairs as he walked into the kitchen. TRTL and fell were already there eating waffles. Papyrus glanced over with a smile. "comere and eat! I already made you a plate Error" he said calmly, something obviously (rattling his bones) annoying him though; but he didn't speak it.

Gladly error grabbed his plate and sat at the table. Not paying much mind to whatever conversation TRTL and Fell were having.

"Bori's are the best" Fell huffed slightly, discussing his favorite neopets
"no! Skieths are!!!" TRTL claimed "they're big chubby boys!!!"

Error leaned his head, feeling someone sit beside him "hey bruh!", Error jumped and glanced up, Fresh sitting beside him with his waffles. He didn't ever put syrup on them. He also had some orange juice and some strawberries. At least strawberries were good.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up a bit straighter. "uhh... Hey Fresh" he watched him start to eat, Fresh was kicking his legs back and fourth like a child. Looking at Error "how dy'a feel after yesterday homie?"

The shorter stared for a moment, calculating what he meant before shaking his head "Oh-! uhm, I guess i feel a little bit less exhausted..." he shrugged. Smiling a bit at Fresh as he shoved a piece of waffle in his throat. Fresh smiled "oh cool man! I wanted to ask ya something too!" He smiled and looked back at his food. At this point TRTL and fell has stopped talking to eavesdrop, and ,,, honestly so was papyrus who was now looking their direction instead of at his cooking. Error felt a slight flush in his cheeks as he cleared his throat "What is it?"

Fresh adjusted his glasses, already done with his food- since he was like, a speed eater. He chuckled "well uhh I was wonderin' if y'all wanted to go to the mall with me bro?" Error tapped his fingers against the table as he thought about it. He breathed out, maybe it wouldn't be that bad? "sure.. I guess? I dunno for how long thoug-" Fresh perked up

"cool brah!! Get ready after yer done eatin' and meet me outside!" he shot up and was out of the room in a flash of seconds. Error blinked and looked at everyone. Fell was sort of uninterested now- Trtl had that shiteating grin of "oooooh you're going on a date BASICALLY (even if its not that) and Papyrus gave him a thumbsup. Error smiled a bit and continued to eat in a flustered way.
After eating error got up and ran upstairs, putting his favorite badly stitched together outfit on, wrapping a scarf around his face and basically sprinting outside, Fresh was sitting on the stairs and staring at the street. Glancing backwards when Error trotted out. Fresh smiled and stood up quickly. "You ready bromie?"


"COOL! comere!" he held his hand out, Error stared at it for a moment before carefully taking his hand. Fresh walked forward.

"Why are we holding hands?"

"Friends hold hands! TRTL told me that" he put a hand in his pocket. "But if ye' dont want to that's fine! I know ya' hate bein touched n shiz"

Error was quiet for a moment, looking at their intertwined fingers... "no-it's,, uhh fine" he smiled- Fresh chuckled as they walked. Fresh was talking about his deviantart account as they walked. Error would listen as well as he could but most of the time he was honestly staring at his and fresh's hand. Error looked up as they had entered the lot of the mall, it wasn't a BIG BIG mall, but it was big because it was a mall. Fresh walked "First i wanna get some uhh cinnabon...and then clothes! and then more cinnabon" fresh wiggled and chuckled.
Pushing open one of the doors, letting go over error's hand at this point, Fresh and Error started walking. "I think that's auuh,,, good idea"
"Yea! And I can pay f'everything too! So if ya want something point it out" the colorful skeleton hummed and ran forward a bit, making error partially hop closer.

It wasn't a very exciting day- they got some cute outfits at one of the stores. Error usually hates getting clothes since he was so attached to his like- 2 or 3 outfits. But Fresh insisted, Getting him the softest clothes he could find. Clothes error LOVED, Error had the chance to pick out whatever he liked. He got some pretty gay outfits. But his favorite was a long sleeved sweater with a caterpillar in the middle of it. "You got this!" it said, it was fluffy and a light pink, the caterpillar was a green and red. He got some pants that were obviously meant to be pajamas, they had foxes on them and were a light blue. Fresh had no interest in the clothes here, but he clapped every-time Error showed him how he looked in each outfit. "You look so handsome Error!" he'd day, making the glitch's face flush.
Afterwards the walked around the mall, Fresh got them a "best friend's forever" necklace. Error would cherish it close, nearly tearing up just at looking at it! Fresh and Error walked to cinnabon. Fresh got a box he'd get for everyone, and just two small ones for fresh and error to eat now. Sitting together and eating these sugary treats. Fresh leaned his hand on his head. Staring at Error while he ate. Part of fresh felt anxious, he knew he wanted this to be a date! But Fresh was Dating someone else. And Error would never find anything in a parasite like him.
As far as he knew Error thought he was emotionless. But it was nice. Afterwards they walked around for a while longer, Fresh ended up getting error a stuffed animal shaped like a snake. Fresh would hold it for him of course! He was the one who brought him, he didn't want error to strain in an already busy place.
As they left the mall and began walking home late in the afternoon, Fresh moved his hand and held error's clothes. 'sure friends hold hands' Fresh said in his mind 'I just wish this was a romantic hand holding' he thought. Looking up into the sky as they walked.
TRTL had told him no such thing.

"COOL! comere!" he held his hand out, Error stared at it for a moment before carefully taking his hand. Fresh walked forward.

"Why are we holding hands?"

"Friends hold hands! TRTL told me that" he put a hand in his pocket. "But if ye' dont want to that's fine! I know ya' hate bein touched n shiz"

Error was quiet for a moment, looking at their intertwined fingers... "no-it's,, uhh fine" he smiled- Fresh chuckled as they walked. Fresh was talking about his deviantart account as they walked. Error would listen as well as he could but most of the time he was honestly staring at his and fresh's hand. Error looked up as they had entered the lot of the mall, it wasn't a BIG BIG mall, but it was big because it was a mall. Fresh walked "First i wanna get some uhh cinnabon...and then clothes! and then more cinnabon" fresh wiggled and chuckled.

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