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Error felt like shit the next few days, Fresh constantly leaving early to go out with his new Datemate, being left alone to rewatch FRIENDS again. It wasn't bad but he couldn't stop thinking about how much of an ass he'd been, hell he'd tried to hang out with papyrus, but papyrus was busy. He was gone a lot too. It didn't help that TRTL didn't seem to let up his requests, asking for things everytime Error entered the room.

Sans seemed to have picked up on this, but didn't care much. Just shaking his head everytime he watched Error steal some milkshake from Underfell for TRTL and Fell to share. He felt horrible, used, awful. He laid on his bed and cried one day, why couldn't he just NOT have feelings? No have anything? now that's what he'd like, Some time to just feel nothing. Whispers surrounded his head and made him feel awful as he stitched together a badly made puppet of Squiroo, torturing it. Why can't he be skilled in voodoo or something?

  Maybe then he'd get some REAL fucking relief. He wanted Squiroo to hurt. But he knew he'd 1) get in trouble, and 2) Fresh would be angry at him. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. Looking around the dark room. Why does he feel like this again? Why is he so alone again?


Fresh sighed as he waved goodbye to Squiroo, kissing their cheek (?) and skating home, hands shoved in his pockets with a large brilliant smile on his dumb golden toothed face. He looks around, wind blowing around his face and brushing lightly against his clothes. Making it flail uselessly, Once home he did a show-offy kickflip and landed gladly at the gate. leaning down and grabbing his skate, kicking it up a bit and poofing it into his inventory.

He jumped over the fence and across the lawn into the quiet house, the quiet whispers of Fell and TRTL playing neopets upstairs and Sans no where to be found, As well as papyrus. He hummed a quiet sigh and kicked off his shoes, putting them in the respective spots and- looking a little at Can town, what was that for? No one seems to know, a Can town placed by the table with about 3, 1 piece lego pieces in it. Sans and Papyrus always laughed when asked about it.

Fresh was pretty sure they was just crazy.

Fresh walked to the stairs and trotted up, passing by Error's room- he heard quiet sobs. He quickly sobbed and moved towards it, entering slowly. "Brah?" Error tried to calm upon his entrance.

Fresh kicked the door open and walked over, sitting. "Hey Error, y'all doin aight homedawg?" Error nodded, but the clear signs of him crying were evident. Fresh frowns.

"Come-on, i aint dumb, whatsup?"
"JuSt,,, I feel like SHIZ...." He didn't mind the censorship much. "That's all"

"Wanta hug brotato chip?" He smiled a bit. Error slowly nodded and turned to Fresh. Leaning against him as the parasite wrapped his arms around him, Fresh placed his chin on Errors head. Quickly Error bursts into more sobs, practically clinging to Fresh.

Fresh felt bad, hearing him cry, but simply rocked and rubbed his back softly. Mumbling "it's okays," Both of them stayed there, quiet, calm. Until they both dozed off and flopped onto the bed....


"Ey Bro" Sans said as Papyrus entered the home, wide eye'd and sparkling.

"Hello Brother!! I have some wondrous news!"  His smiled was bright and happy, Excited to speak. Sans leaned and yawned. 


He sat down next to him, giggling. "Have you been wondering why I've been gone so often? hm?? HM???"

"Kinda,?" he looked at him.

He fidgeted excitedly, "I Was helping Undyne find a way to propose to Alphys!"

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