Error Realizes

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Error hadn't noticed how much he liked the others presence. Whenever Fresh was around he was both disgusted and happy. They had watched the entirety of Friends together. Error needed someone to complain about how idiotic Ross was acting. And Fresh was always willing to listen. Fresh had also started to apologize for touching Error, knowing his friend hated physical contact.

Error didn't notice how much he cared until one day his parasitic friend hadn't left his room. He angrily went to wake him up. Not concerned, usually Fresh was awake. If he wasn't it was because he spent the whole night making 'informative' YouTube videos. Error knocked. No answer. Knocked again. A groan. He carefully opened the door. Fresh was laying in bed. Curled up. Worry shivered through Error as he went to his silicone protected friend. "Fresh you idiot why aren't you up yet?"

"Nn" Fresh shuffled. Looking at his friend through his YOLO shades. "I-I don't feel real good today homebro" he said. Coughing slightly. Error confusingly nodded. Deciding to go get Papyrus.

Error left the room, trotting downstairs to the sleeping form on the couch. "Papyrus! Wake the Fuck up! Somethings wrong with Fresh" he growled. The taller figure shuffled and grumbles. Lifting up.

He looked at Error. "Language Error... now what?"

"Fresh is acting weird and stuff go see what's wrong"

Papyrus shuffled up and nodded. Stalking upstairs, Error following quickly behind him. Entering the room Papyrus immediately notices the problem. Going over. Feeling his head, the silicone had heated up. Fresh groaned. Papyrus had to explain that Fresh was sick. Being a parasite and not usually in a Human-like world for longer then a few seconds. Fresh had finally caught a sickness that his body had never had.

Error had tried not to panic but days passed and Fresh was still sick. He had even started vomiting and sleeping most of the day. Error insisted on going to the doctor. Finally Papyrus decided to make an appointment. Carrying Fresh to the doctor only the next day.
Error came along.

Apparently Fresh had only caught a cold. Just a cold. But since he never got sick it infected him like a motherfucker. They had to clean out his silicone body and give him water and medicine for a few days.

Luckily that worked, Fresh was soon back to his normal self. Running around and making everyone uncomfortable. Continuing to watch Friends with Error.

Error had been so worried the whole time. Panicking and sadly watching Fresh suffer made him feel terrible. He felt better now. More protective for his friend.
But Error couldn't help but get butterflies every time Fresh accidentally bumped him after that. Or when Fresh would mention their best friend status. (Though blueberry would always disagree and say he and Error were BFFS and that Fresh just sucked).

He cares so much for his parasite.

Maybe he even loved his parasite.
No, he couldn't. He hated everyone...

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