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I actually made a chapter?!?!

I'd like to thank Majestictophat on tumblr for being so supportive!! I'm so grateful you like my bad writing !

This is a short chapter as usually but it's mainly atm bc I'm busy and i don't have a lot of time to actually write good ;-;

Tap. Tap. Tap. Papyrus tapped his foot angrily on the ground as he stared silently at the two skeletons. TRTL half hiding in his turtleneck. Error playing with his fingers. Papyrus opened his mouth. "You're both grounded"

Error and TRTL both perked up. "WHAT??"

"Both of you. TRTL no computer for two days." TRTL whined. Falling down dramatically..

Error could almost see the look in Papyrus as he looked at him. "And you. No t.v. for two days" error nearly died. His entire life. His entire purpose for living being gripped away with a few simple words. How could he survive this"

"Uh.. Error..." Papyrus poked him. TRTL huffed. He'd figure this out later as he left to whine to Fell. Error sat. Broken. Papyrus ended up awkwardly leaving once sans had come from work.

Error was eventually snapped back to reality as Fresh swung his arm around him. "Hey bro!! What's crackin?" He asked with a toothy smile. Error growled slightly.

"I'm grounded. No t.v" the words stung in his throat.

"Oh... that sucks... wanna go for a walk?" He asked. His smile softening. Tilting his head. Error stared. Giddy in some ways. "...sure"

Fresh smiled moving his arm off of Error. Standing straight. The parasite and glitch both left the house. Walking calmly in the afternoon breeze. "Wanna get milkshakes homie?" FRESH asks. Error nodded a little

"Heh. Yea." They ended up talking. Walking calmly. Error had relaxed a bit. Happy to be around Fresh, entering a small shop and buying milkshakes. Error getting a chocolate with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry. Sipping it happy.

Fresh even got one. Just a standard vanilla; whipped crean and fancy sprinkles. "Mmmn, it's unhealthy but so God dang radical-itious!" He giggled. The giggle was sweet and make Error shutter.

"Hey fresh...Wanna go. Uh. Torment kids at the park?"

Fresh perked. Bouncing. "Yes!!" The others excitement made him happy as they sipped milkshakes and went to the park. Carefully moving onto a bench. Occasionally fresh got up to scare people and Error would as well. May be a little less though.

They sat on the bench soon. Night almost there. Error leaned on fresh a little and yawns. Sleepy. Fresh hummed solemnly. He ended up carrying the sleeping Error home...

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