Gay shit and Bad shit

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Error woke up to be cuddled up with a passed the fuck out parasite, The other laid silently, obviously having brought Error to bed and just happened to stay there, it was cute really. The sight of the other sleeping calmly. Error didn't want to move, he felt safe and comfortable. He wanted to stay here. Forever. But that would be literally impossible. He sighed, and instead of leaving the spot he cuddled closer. He felt broken and wrong but here he felt so so nice.

Because of Error's movement Fresh made some small chittering noises, the noises Error used to find creepy and annoying. But now they were fairly cute and usually signed how comfortable he was. Fresh's arm was wrapped gently around the sleeping Error, shoving him closer and nuzzling the top of his head, Error's face glowing bright red. and with a small shy smile he went back to sleep. Comfortable and soft.

There was a small creak of the door. A small turtlenecked-Sans stood by the door. Peaking in. Eye light's glimmering. He smiled wide, watching the two sleep. So this was what was going on huh? Something ROMANTIC was definitely going on. But they didn't want anyone to find out right?? Or neither of them knew?? Most of TRTL's experience with romance was linked to watching Pap and his gross girlfriend kiss sometimes or the television shows that played sometimes. Those Spanish ones. He didn't know what they were called but they were dramatic! And he LOVES drama!

He slowly popped out of the room and closes the door. Smiling with a bounce as he snuck back to his room. Going in and looking at Fell. Tucking him in before going back to Papyrus's bed and curling into it. Smiling evilly before falling asleep.
Morning came and as usual TRTL awoke with a hop. Shuffling out and looking at Fell. Usually he got on the computer or ran downstairs to yell at Papyrus to wake up but today was different. He went down and Pap was GONE?? He panicked for 0.2 seconds but this had been happening a lot lately. So he assumed that was it. He huffed and went to Sans's room-- HE WAS GONE TOO?! GOD DAMN IT. He huffed. He had to get someone to make breakfast.

He left the room and just left the door wide fucking open. Sprinting to Fell. He tried to wake him up but the guy slept like a fucking snorlax. He learned what that was like yesterday. He groaned loudly. Leaving and going into Error's room, he stared with a dark look at Fresh before smacking Error. "WAKE UP"

Fresh woke up too and let go of Error. Falling off the bed. Error nearly attacking TRTL. "what"

"Papy is gone and so is Sans go make me breakfast!" he said with his usual childlike tone that Error absolutely despised. Fresh yawned and stood. "I can-"

Error shook his head "No Fresh no one likes your cooking remember?"

"Lmao oh yea"

TRTL tapped his foot. Error slowly standing. "I'll go find Pap and have him come back to make breakfast because if I do it you'll just get like a slice of bread" He growled. TRTL huffing and watching Error teleport. Looking at Fresh. Staring before leaving the room. Not wanting to interact with him. He went back downstairs and waited in the Kitchen. Fresh Groaned and stretched. Leaving the room soon to go to his own.

As he got there a beep from his phone blipped. And he carefully took it out to answer. It was Squiroo and he smiled a little. They begin to text back and fourth for hours while everything went on downstairs. He didn't care much for their breakfasts and he didn't want to deal with drama. Trying to not act flustered at cuddling Error all night. He wanted to apologize- knowing Error hates being touched, he was probably pissed off at him.

He shook his head. Looking at the phone, after a bit of typing it was decided. Another date!! He was excited. These 'dates' were going well and if he ever wanted to get over Error these were the biggest steps he could take. Plus Squiroo wasn't a bad person. They were funny and tall and cute. It was fun talking to them. Though it was funner as just friends. But he wanted to try right! Wanted to. He had to.

he had to...

Back downstairs TRTL was now eating breakfast. Papyrus had made it and then passed out on the couch immediately. Error was eating as well. TRTL staring at him before piping up. "So what's with you and Fresh"

Error looks over. Glaring. "What do you mean?"

"Like... you wants to lips--" He shook his head, remembering kissing was not called 'lips' like he thought when he first started being able to talk normally again. "You wants to kiss him huh?" he said again. Correcting himself.

Error's face blushed a slight red before he looked away to eat. "No. He's a gross parasite and I hate everyone"

TRTL rolled his eyelights. "Tell me the truth or I'll tell Fresh"

"it wouldn't be true"

"But he'll believe it and be real creeped out"

Error shivered. glancing away.. He didn't. He couldn't. "A little"

TRTL Widened his smile. He wasn't going to tell Fresh. But now he has blackmail! Which he learned from those t.v shows. He was excited to use his new ability.

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