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This one focuses more on the wedding

also im bad at writing still also sorry forhaujnsk posting so late


It had been a long few months as Papyrus continuously helped his friends with their wedding day. Papyrus was so excited to be the best man and get everyone suits and such. He had refused Fresh's horrible and also ugly as hell outfit. Fresh had wanted to go in this overly colorful tuxedo with weird designs and ugly non-matched colors but Papyrus refused and only let him wear a normal tux with a slightly snazzy looking bowtie. All the Sans's were in their most uncomfortable state as they were forced into tuxedos. Each of them hated the fact that the outfits were uncomfy and terrible even if It made them look 'good'. These greasy boys were not happy about it.
(this it the part where it's obvious idk how weddings work so bear with me)
The day of the wedding was an awkward one. Papyrus going off to help Undyne prepare for the main event and Everyone just sort of waited in calm chatter. Error was very unhappy and uncomfortable. There was so many people!!! Granted not that much as an average wedding with over 50 people but the random monsters and people he didn't exactly recognize made him unhappy. He had been forced to wear his glasses here so he wouldn't miss the gay kisses or something.
Fresh had brought Squiroo who was in a slightly more human form so that it was less awkward for them to not have to take up a whole booth for themselves and fresh. They were wearing a tie and an entirely black outfit of some kind. Fresh and Squiroo held hands and that just made Error all the more uncomfortable. But didn't say anything as Fresh let go of their hand to go and chat with Error while squiroo went to find their seat.
"Hey brah! How ya feelin'?" he smiled as he walked over, Error shrugged, "I'm feeling more uncomfortable then I ever have in my life"

Fresh chuckled "brah you know you're overreactin' you've felt worse" he said, of course Fresh didn't understand that it was mostly just a figure of speech. Error shook his head as they talked. It made Error calmer to just talk to him but all the noise made him uncomfortable.
After a bit everyone was seated and the music had started. Papyrus up on the main area was holding back tears as he stood as Undyne's best man. Mettaton standing gracefully as Alphys's. It was an amazing and also ridiculous sight as both stoodup there, Alphys sweating as she stood in her dress and waited.. Everyone watched, several teary eyes stared, as Undyne walked down the aisle. Her own dress dragging behind her as she walked. Fell was basically sobbing as he watched the wedding.
Frisk running in front and throwing flowers as Undyne walked forward. They also were the ring barer which made it better as they flung flowers while trying not to drop the ring
Once up there their vows started. Everyone listened as they spoke to one another, and it took a bit as undyne and alphys giggled at their little speeches. Once done everyone watched as they kissed once they were allowed...
Now the throwing the bouquet was the best part of this entire thing. Undyne threw the bouquet and papyrus pummeled through everyone to catch it and happily wave it around screaming that he'd caught it and would now get married yet. While some people were unhappy that he did that most of them just found it adorable.
The wedding went on into the reception as people ate and congratulated undyne and alphys and their cake eating and pictures. After the wedding Papyrus got everyone in the car but looked mildly annoyed Sans sat next to him, sans was buzzed from downing the very very small amount of alcoholic drinks provided for the adults and everyone was talking and stuff about how good the wedding was as they got home. Fresh left soon after getting home to walk Squiroo home and Error immediately move to his room and flopped down on the bed. Tired. That was WAY too much things for one day...
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT SANS!!" Papyrus yelled as he stomped his foot at sans as everyone had gone to wherever they hung out.

"Made out with mettaton while at a WEDDING?!?!?!" he whined, throwing his arms up in anger.........

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