you can't play with my heart like that

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  Hey it's been a very very long while since ive updated but i gained a bit of motivation so i did! Hope you like this Chapter, it's 4 am so its' prolly sloppily made but It's also a bit longer then I'm used to writing haha 

Tumblr: Cathper

DA: funnybone800


The night had been quiet. Everything had felt off- the small glitchy skeleton mumbled and shook in his sleep.

"it hurts it hurts the glitching it's hurting so much someone please help me someone please help me!"

Error sat up with a horrible gasp as his soul raced in agony. He covered his mouth and shook. Why was he here? Where was he? He looked around... Room. That's right. A room, his room, in Papyrus's house. Error's soul relaxes as he breathes out a soft huff. Luckily it was just a nightmare, nothing too bad. Nothing too bad at all, he clutched his coats fabric as he stood up. Standing and walking from his room. It was daytime? It was probably 2pm or something. Usually Fresh woke him up but it appears to not be the case.

Error gently wandered down the stairs and saw Papyrus angrily texting someone. Or at least he seemed angry but his face looked calm. "Everything Ok pap?" He said as he walked over and plopped down next to him. Papyrus looked over and blinked.

"wh-? Oh! Oh yes I'm fine. But this cookie run race is really getting me angry!" he furrowed his brows. Error chuckled, no idea what the guy was talking about.

It was silent for about sixty seconds before Error shift. "so,"

Papyrus waited but answer the question he knew was coming. "Fresh is on a date I think."

Error felt himself growl too himself. "oh." He said again. Papyrus looked at him for a moment before shifting. " I know that isn't what you wanted to hear, but he left a few hours ago."

Error nodded, "It's fine."


Error was sitting against the tree outside for a while, he didn't remember how long it had been as the feelings of the tree's leaves fluttering down against the ground mimicked motions in his mind. Error closed his eyes and covered his face. Memories he tried to forget kept showing up and disappearing all over again, he was on edge. He was terrified.

He heard someone leave the house and walk down to the tree. It was obviously fresh at the look of his blinding colors. The smiling guy was sure to make him feel better right? Feeling him flop down next to him and smile. "Hey brah!"


He didn't get a second in before fresh started talking about his day, it seemed like he had the most wonderful day. Error guess he didn't mind listening to it. But as he talked on and on- About that damn Date he had. About how wonderful everything is. Error breathed out.

"Fresh can you be quiet now" He said, trying not to sound rude but the obvious stress in his voice wasn't hard to discern. Fresh immediately shut his mouth, nodding.
"Oh sure dude," he smiled softly and said nothing.

Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. That's all he could think of. Silence. Silence and white and-
"are you okay?" Fresh said and moved to touch his hand before error flinched and glared. Fresh shook his head and moved away "Oh yea sorry, s'posed to ask uh-Are you ok?" he asked again but with more worry in his voice.

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