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"Where the fuck are you going?" Error growled as he walked up to Fresh who was getting ready to leave that day. He made a soft glance at Error with a large planted on smile.

"Oh just hanging out with a new bro today!" Fresh took his skateboard out. Error frowning ever so slightly.

"What? New? Who the literal fuck would want to talk to you?" He growled but Fresh kept his same odd smile as he adjust his hat and swung the door open.

"Haha my new friend obvs bro!! Anyways homedawg I gotta fly, Smell ya later~~" he pushed and skated off into the street. Doing some shitty tricks as Error practically slammed the door closed.

Why was he so mad? He grumbled as he turned. Screeching slightly as TRTL stood behind him. "Hey Error!" his fake-cutsey voice clung to Errors head like glue.

He growled. "What the fuck do you want"

TRTL frowning softly. "Don't curse-! and Pap wants to chat with you in the kitchen" He narrowed his eyes. "N' he looked REAL serious" he adjust his turtle neck and snobbily walked off. God Error hated that fucker.

He angrily sighed as he moved to the kitchen. Peaking himself in. "What"
"Error come sit!"

Error mentally scowled. Knowing Papyrus was going to ask him about Fresh again. He shoveled his hands into his pockets and sauntered over. Sitting with a huff. Papyrus had a gleam in his eyes and his fanged smile was wide and excited.

"So Error. I have a question" he folded his legs with a giggle. The crop top he wore said 'Soft Boy'. Error never understood the idiotic crop tops this guy wore. Then again Papyrus didn't understand the fact that Error literally never changed this outfit.

"Do you want to....bonk...someone"

"....bonK?" He asked. Confused and angry. Papyrus tapped his chin. "Like...kissing but since you're a skeleton it would be bonking"

Error stares at him for what seemed like forever. "What. No why would I?" Huffing. He glitches slightly. "That's gross. I hate it when people touch me. Why would I want them to fucking kiss me?"

Papyrus frowned slightly. "Well. Like. If you ever fell in love-"


He stood and stomped out of the room. Papyrus grumbled. He'd try again later. Error made it to his room and stumbled through garbage as he flopped onto the bed. Looking around his blurry room. Though it was blurry because he refused to wear his glasses. Silence surrounded him. He looked at the blurry puppets he hang from the ceiling. Then at his pillow as he nuzzled it slightly. What if he did want to 'bonk'? Closing his eyes he imagine Fresh's fake body carefully wrapping around him in a soft bonk, his teeth carefully scraping against his own in a gentle loving touc-. His eyes shot open and dark red blush edges quickly across his face.

Why did he imagine fresh?! Why'd he imagine anyone?! He hated everyone. He gulped. Shuffling in his spot. Covering his face and balling his fists. He hated everyone! Everyone!!
Yet he couldn't help but feel butterflies from the thought of that disgusting parasite holding him close...
God he was absolutely pathetic.
Fresh boomed with obnoxious louder. "And I say to the guy, IT'S NOT A DEAD MAN! IT'S YOUR GRANDMOTHER!!" That was enough from the shapeshifting monster in front of him to laugh out. They had taken shape as a a human shape but kept all of their mouths and eyes. Fresh chuckled. Sipping his coffee. He could only get small amount of coffee. His real tiny body couldn't handle caffeine or sugar.

"This has been really fun" the monster giggled. They were mostly emotionless and stale. Which Fresh related to as he only ever showed one emotion and even then wasn't sure completely was full out emotion was or is.

Fresh shifted. Shoveling a carrot cake into his mouth. "Heh. Yea same bro"

"I. Think we should do this again"

"Like as friends?" Squroo stared at him in slight unamusement as their mouth smiled. Speaking at different times. "No silly. As like...a date."

Fresh stared at them for a second. He looked at his cup. Sure he had his fair share of random dates and phased over sexual contact. But he. He never exactly knew what a date was. He knew people did that when they wanted to be in relationships. But he didn't 109% understand why. Papyrus went on dates a lot with GIRL .

He gulped. His crush on Error wouldn't leave just by merely sleeping with people. So maybe dating this Squroo person. Would work out. He nods "ya that would be radical"

Fresh ended up agreeing to a date and time only a few days ahead from now. After some more odd conversation Fresh waved and skated off. Skating down the road he adjusted his hat. Letting out a stressed sigh. He hated emotion more than anything ever. He wasn't supposed to feel them.

Yet here he was. Nervous. Confused...loving. He wasn't a creature of emotion. And frankly he didn't understand. He didn't know why people got offended or scared by the things he said. Or what crying was and why it happened when. He threatened to murder children's entire families. They were just words.

Emotion was one thing he didn't think he'd ever need to grasp a sort of concept on when agreeing to get help from this universe. He mostly agreed as a test. It would be cool. He though. Instead he ended up getting rid of his original body [TRTL] and getting this synthetic one. Which was nice but certainly not the same.

He jumped and flipped into the street he lived on and skated down. Looking at the sky as he jumped into the yard. Landing in the grass and moving up the porch. He hadn't planned 100% on being so late... He didn't know hanging with Squroo would have him return at 5pm. He stepped in. Papyrus singing obnoxiously as he made a lot of spaghetti. Fresh hesitated.

Deciding against it he moves upstairs. Going to his room and sitting at his computer. He sighs. Taking out his tablet and drawing...
TRTL sat by Fell as he watched the other trade Neopets. "I think somethin's wrong with Error"

"Didn't you always?" Fell said as he clicked on a board. TRTL huffed. "We duh! But I mean... he's actin weird-er-er" he emphasized each er.

Fell glanced at him. Taking a breath. "Well...maybe you should leave it alone?"

"Why should I! I want drama!!"

"You know papyrus doesn't like your obsession with drama. Especially since you've already started your gambling addiction"

"I just like betting children at the arcade!" He crossed his arms and shuffled into his spot. "Is it my turn yet?"


TRTL grumbled... staring at the door. He was going to find out what was happening all by himself.

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