Well Did it Work?

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Sans shifted in his seat and smiled gladly at his younger brother, "Woah what really? And you didn't bother telling me?" he crossed his arms. Papyrus shook his head.

"I'm sorry sans but I didn't want to ruin the surprise!!"

"Well did it work?? How'd it go?" He turned to look at his brother. His brother was extremely giddy as he forcefully lifted up Sans and stood. He brought him outside to talk as he was still going to 'tell' everyone else the story on his own time. He loved telling people the same story separately. He sat down with Sans and tapped his finger. Smile broad and excited,

"Well let me tell you the story! So as you know I was watching from nearby with my EXCELLENT mustache disguise so I can make sure Undyne did a good job" he closed his eyes. "She did want to do fire related things but that was WAY to dangerous! So she went with an average restaurant proposal" Sans nodded as he listened to the story. It was a good story- Just an average proposal and nothing to big (Except apparently Undyne got too excited at the 'yes' and broke their table in half) but that wasn't the point. They were ENGAGED!

Papyrus put his hands on his hips "I'm going to be helping them plan for the wedding too!" Sans chuckled and high fives his brother.

"And they said they're going to invite everyone!"


Of course everyone had been told about a billion times about the engagement. Fell and TRTL were excited and didn't want to wait months for the wedding but sadly it would be a few months until they actually married. They were still excited; Fell was mildly nervous for reasons of being around people but having never been at a wedding he was excited. Especially since he heard wedding cake was good. Fresh was also excited because well; he loved that stuff. He liked watching people get married. He has seen a few marriages (and broken into a few) for this reason. Error on the other hand was the complete opposite of excited. He did not want to go, for quite obvious reasons. But pap had insisted and insisted him to go anyways.

Error was glad it was months away; It gave him time to prepare for the boring and mind numbing events. He had never BEEN to weddings but watching enough comedy shows and bad weddings on T.V was enough to know he wouldn't want to go.

Fresh nearly breaks down Error's room door and hops in, closing the door and hopping on the bed. "Yo My bro!! Are ya excited for the weddin'?" He flopped down. Swinging his legs excitedly as he stared at the annoyed Error.

"You interrupted my F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Fresh" He growled partially, pausing the show. "And no, I'm not. It's gonna be so boring" He rolled his eyes and stared at Fresh. Crossing his legs.

"Nah nah man it'll be fun! Plus there'll be sweets my dude, ya' like the rad shiz right home dude?" He chuckled. Error glanced elsewhere and stayed quiet for a moment "maybe It'll be alright. Just Don't want to go y'know?" he tapped the edges of the bed.

"Can I keep watching this Fresh?"

"Sure! Can I watch too dude?"

Error answered with a nod and started it again. Fresh moved and sat by Error. "Can I hug ya bro?"

Error tensed a bit "Why?"

"Too calm ya down? maybe, Don't hafta if ya don't want to !!" Error thought.

"fine." And so Fresh carefully put his arms around Error and nuzzled close. Both growing distracted as they watched The t.v show Error had watched over a million times at this point.

About half an hour later Error looks at fresh who had fallen into a deep-ish sleep. Error shifted and sighed. Putting his arms around him. "I don't want to go because I know I'll never feel that. Get married." He whispers. tearing up and staying close.

Error silently cried until he fell asleep.

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