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jungkook focus
jungkook arrives outside of taehyung's house, he looks up to see all the windows unlit and shrouded in curtains.

his mom must be sleeping then.

the younger quickly drags his bike over to the side of the house, letting the bike rest against the wall.
he looks at his wristwatch, the tiny clock telling him that it was 10:59pm.

he rushes towards the door and looks for the key hidden under the doormat, where taehyung had told him he'd find it.

he manages to find the key and gently push it into the keyhole and twists the door unlocked. he steps in quietly, not wanting to wake taehyung's mom up so she could ask questions about why he was lurking around her house so late.

he closes the door behind him and gingerly walks up the stairs and along the hallway to where taehyung's bedroom was.

he twists the cool doorknob and pushes the door open with a small creak. he winces at the noise but steps in and closes it back again. he looks up.

taehyung was huddled in the furthest corner of his bed with what looked like a thousands of sheets wrapped around his body. sweat glazes his skin and his eyes were squeezed tight shut. pale pink lips part as he breathes out.

"taehyung?" jungkook calls, a little too loud, but he doesn't care, he strides over to taehyung.

"hey. hey taehyung!" jungkook whispers, worry filling him.
taehyung opens his eyes to display glassy eyes, red from the lack of sleep.

taehyung focus
"jungkook." he sobs and reaches out for jungkook's dress shirt, fisting the white material. taehyung cries softly when jungkook wraps his arm around the sleep deprived boy.

"it's okay." jungkook murmurs.
taehyung feels the bed dip slightly and clasps jungkook's shirt a little tighter.
he feels jungkook's lips press softly against his forehead, his hands tightening against taehyung's sweaty clothes.

jungkook focus
why'd i just kiss taehyung's head?

it doesn't matter right now, kook.
sort out taehyung.

"you okay?" jungkook mumbles, a hand reaching for taehyung's hair and strokes the damp strands.
taehyung sniffles in return.

"you said someone's coming for you? who?" jungkook can feel taehyung's body freeze up in his arms.

"you don't have to tell." jungkook says quietly and instead focuses on brushing through taehyung's locks and holding him close.

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