Chapter 8

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1) Knock, knock.

     Who's there?

Cows go.

Cows go who?

No, silly. Cows go "moo!"

2) "Hey, Sun, why didn't you go to college yet?"

Sun: "I already have infinite degrees!"

3) Did you know why the bicycle just could not stand on its own? Simply because, it is two-tired [too tired]

4) Is it not obvious that the person, who invented the doorknocker, should be awarded a No-bell prize?

5) A cardboard belt is obviously a waist of paper!

6)  Teacher: Why are you late? 

Student: Because of the sign on the road.

Teacher: What sign?

Student: The sign that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow."!

7)Q. Why did the chicken hesitate to cross the road?

A. Because KFC was on the other side!

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