Chapter 13

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1) What is the full form of MATHS?

    Mentally Affected Teacher Harassing Students

2) Thief : Give me all your money!

      Guy : Hey, that knife that your holding is cool, can I buy it for 2k?

    Thief: Sure!

     Guy: Now give me all my money back!

     Thief : Shit...

3) Mom: Kids are starving in Africa and you don't even finish your food!

    Son: So making me fatter will change that?

4) Most of the time...

    When you cry, nobody notices your tears.

    When you are sad, nobody feels your pain.

     When you are happy, nobody feels your happiness.

    But, if you fart just once......

5) I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode.

6) When you text someone a massive paragraph and after sometime, they reply "K".

7) Never get to bed angry, stay awake and plot revenge.

8) I don't have an attitude problem, I just have a personality that you can't handle.

9) When it's Sunday night and I didn't do any of my homework, I think of excuses instead of doing it.

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