How to Slay

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Hey guys I'm back with some freshman advice!

First of all I would like to say is nobody cares about you in highschool, your pretty much on your own. Everyone is doing their own thing. 

Another thing is the girls in highschool are like little pests,(not all of them) they always want to start a fight with you, and if you are popping, gurls will litterly find a way to bring you down. A tip is don't listen too them, try and keep to yourself, because anytime you open up too someone they will use it against you/blackmail you. So be carefull who you open too because the devil was once a angel. If someone will discuss others with you, they will certainly discuss you with others. 

Another thing I would say is don't be afraid to try out for sports team, you might end up making some of the teams. Just because your in grade 9 doesn't mean you can't try out. I'm in grade 9 and I made the basketball team which is a good choice I made and I'm happy I tryed out cause the basketball team was like another family, it was fun and i got to be really active.

*Take your work seriously*

Don't be one of those people who just slack off in class, later on in life it's not going to get you anywhere. Please take your work seriously and even ask the teachers if you need help, the teachers are there to help. Work hard. Rest later. And do your volunteer hours early so you don't have to worry about it later on in highschool.

*Highschool isn't that bad

On the first day I was really nervous but it was actually chill, it's kinda the same as middle school but slight differences. It's really fun, you have your ups and downs but at the end of the day, you will look back on those days and save those as memories. It's really what you make of highschool. Just enjoy the ride.

*Dress appropiately

I don't care if your school has a dresscode or no dresscode what you wear, you will be describes as slut, hoe etc. I don't think you wan't to be called that. They will think you want attention or something, but girl know how to dress, don't go too school looking like you came from world war 3. I'm not saying dress to impress everyday, but take care of your self. Another tip is if your just beginning highschool don't wear all your nice clothes the first weeks because later on whatcha you gonna wear? and take everday a day at a time. Highschool goes by fast so chill.

Don't talk behind other people's back cause I promise you it will come back to you sooner or later. Karma is real, just saying.

If you want more advice on Freshman advice message me!!! Love you guys!!!

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