How To Know Your Being Played + How To Not Be Played With🤔

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How to know your being Played with + How to know when he wants the cookie + how to not be played with

Hey y'all! It's 1:00 a.m in the morning and I'm just feeling in the mood to write a chapter on this subject. Many, many ,many girls stay with these good for nothing guys and I'm sick of it. Ladies, we need to put our foot down or n***** will try and take advantage of us. Periodt. And sometimes our intuition will be telling us the shit we already know and, still stay? Welp after you read this chapter, not anymore. We ain't a game of monopoly, checkers, chest, etc. When we ain't be treating right, we gonna be blocking numbers, okay??! 🗣

1. Trust your intuition!!!! Those red flags are there for a reason. I'm guilty of ignoring red flags and perceiving this person as good, when they're not. Don't let feelings get into the way. You might think " Damn I really like this guy tho" 😞 but sis, has he been expressing that to you. Not with his slick words but, with his actions???? Lemme wait 👂🏽👂🏽👂🏽👂🏽Has he been respecting you, showing interest?
Okay now. If you have been there, like and comment.

1. He's already asking for the cookie.
Yo I know I ain't the only one that this happened to. When your talking to a guy ( it's been a couple days) and he already wants to have sex? Let me tell you what's going to happen after y'all link up. you give away your cookie to him, he go talks about it with his friends and then after leaves. Sis, don't have sex with the guy just because you want him to like you. If he really likes you, he will at least wait until your ready. Especially if y"all been talking for a few days 9 times out of 10, he just want you for a hookup, not a relationship. Periodt.

2. He lies 24/7

Ladies, you have an intuition for a reason. If you feel that something is not right, you must best believe what your thinking is very likely to be true. If y'all in a relationship and he's  constantly lying to you about things ( including small things.) You better run and stay away from these type of guys.There was a guy I was talking to that lied about his name, where he lived, etc.  Guess why he keep it so lowkey ? Cuz if his hoes know about me, there's gonna be issues. Periodt.

3. He never texts you you

If your talking to a guy and he takes hours or days to responds. I want you to reply a couple days later. If he can play that game, then sure can you. Don't be texting him all the time. Make sure he initiates the conversation. Like I said b4 guys are suppose to pursue us. That's why we need to challenge them, you know.
When he texts, don't text right away. You have to give him time to miss you. If y'all had a good ass time and he calls your phone after, ( even when you really want to talk to him), take the phone and tell him " your busy" even tho you ain't. You just got to make them work for you.

4. Never make yourself too available

This relates back to #3 but, you never want to make yourself too available for someone because then they will most likely get tired. A guy likes a girl who's busy and has her shit together. Text back when you feel like it and if your busy, don't get off work just to see him. Bag 💰 comes before a n*****.
Even if your not busy, make up a lie 😂. I'm not saying do this all the time but, you know play a little monopoly with his ass 😂😂

5. He makes excuses to not see you

If you been in a relationship with someone who has not put in effort in Bonding and going on dates. You ain't his priority. And most likely he's dealing with other females. I've been with a n***** who had two girlfriends at the same exact time. My intuition was telling me " GURL! you already know what's going on. Leave him! But, my stupid ass stayed and at least I learned from my mistakes. I don't want any of you guys to go thru what I went through cuz it's a horrible feeling

6. Don't get attached too easily

Trust me, the worst thing you wanna do is get too attached too someone ( especially if you guys ain't official yet).  The slower the pace, the faster the race, okay sis ??  Instead of diving head first. STOP, DROP AND ROLL😂 lmao I'm playing. Just save yourself by taking your time and don't hype it up.

7.  One word replies
This one is a iffy because it depends on who your talking to but....., I don't like guys with one worded responses. For instance, I'll ask a guy how they're day went and they will respond " fine wbu" I'm just like okay n**** tell me what you did lmfao. Idk I think guys that give short answers ain't interest in me or maybe I ain't interested in them 💀😂

8. Watch how he talks about other women

If he disrespects his mom. DASH HIM WAY! A lot can be said just on how a guy treats his mom. Like c'mon if he disrespects his mom, what makes you think he's gonna respect you?  Ladies, it ain't so hard to block and delete number, you know ?

9. Does he show you off to his friends?

If y'all at school and it has to be confidential. Leave di man!!! Im not even gonna elaborate 😂😂 he's a dunce man and you don't need him.

I can't wait to start a YouTube Chanel. I feel like I will be able to  elaborate more. Y'all stay tuned for myYouTube
Chanel. Comment down below some more tips that you guys have.

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