Lazy Girl Problems101

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1. I hate shaving my legs but I love having shaved legs, you feel me?

2.Pulling on a cord until it comes out of the wall because you don't feel like getting up to unplug it.

3.Wearing jeans when it's hot out so you don't have to shave your legs

4.Never seeing your crush on the days you look cute, but seeing him that one day when you look like a potato.

5. If there was an award for laziness , i'd send someone to pick it up for me.

6. spilling something on the floor and wiping it with your foot

7.Re-wearing your outfit if nobody saw you in it the day before

8. Pretending you didn't hear someone calling your name because you don't want to get up

9. Suffering because you need to pee but you don't feel like getting up

10.Sitting there in the towel after you shower because you don't feel like putting your clothes on.

11. You never actually leave in your leave-in conditioner

12. Always wearing different socks because you're too lazy to find a matching pair.

13. When someone comes in your room and doesn't close the door all the way on their way out.

14. Chap sticks, bobby pins, hair ties are almost impossible to find

15. " must be 3-7 sentences" Yeah I'm only writing 3...

16: "forgetting"  every time your parents ask you to do something that requires effort

17: Trying to pick up something with your feet so you don't have to bend down

18: Never writing down your homework assignments because you think you'll remember them but you never actually do.

19: Buying clothes in the wrong size because you were too lazy to try anything on.

20: Walking downstairs only to realize you forgot something upstairs

21: Crossing out something you wrote in pencil because you don't feel like using an eraser

22: Choking when you try to eat while laying down

23: Never making your bed because you know you're going to get right back in it.

24: Make plans. Cancel them so you can sleep.

Author's note

Hey guys I know i'm not the only one that can relate to this. I've been really lazy these past two weeks and busy with lots of homework. So I'm sorry and I'll make it up to you guys.

Vote, Comment and I'll see you guys next time.

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