30 Random Tips

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1.Before going online shopping, make sure you do research because there's alot of websites that are scamming.

2. Drink water before you eat dinner so that your more full and not that hungry, so you will eat less.

3. If you want to get rid of chubby checks you can do face exercises to get rid of the fat in your face. It's easy and simple so don't consider getting plastic surgery

Start by sitting or standing in a straight posture and moving your jaw as if you are chewing while keeping your lips closed

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Start by sitting or standing in a straight posture and moving your jaw as if you are chewing while keeping your lips closed. Breathe in deeply and breathe out while humming. Next, open your mouth wide with your tongue pressed against your bottom teeth. Hold this posture for 5 seconds, now breath in and out again. This makes one repetition. Repeat this entire exercise 10 to 15 times at a stretch.

4. Live your life to the fullest because you don't live forever

5. Write in your diary what you most like about yourself/you can write compliments people have given you and when your not feeling confident, read your diary and all the good things about yourself. (It will boost your confidence).

6. Do something different. For ex. Change your hairstyle, go shopping etc. (change up your look and see what is Available) you might end up looking better than ever.

7. Try not to eat late night snacks. When your sleeping you burn lots of calories. By eating late at night you will just you gain weight.

8. When your too lazy to workout, do it anyways. You will feel so much better, happier and healthier. (Plus you won't feel lazy).

9. Don't waste time(procrastinate) use your time wisely and get things done, then rest later.

10. If your struggling in school ask the teachers for help. The teachers are there to help, so ask.

11. Don't talk behind other people's back because I promise you it will come back to you.

12. Go to prom. Might as well live a little and you only get one chance.

13. Don't wash your hair too often it can cause your hair to break.

14. If your working out don't focus on how much you weigh because the numbers are just distractions, focus on you and your body.

15. If you want to commit suicide please talk to someone about it. It will save your life.

16. When someone says " we are going to do that later on in life" you never know when your going to die, so live like it's your last.

17. You don't need to go to the gym to be fit. There's lots of workouts you can do at home. So start now.

18. Go outside and get some fresh air.(not in this cold weather). You will notice how nice it actually is outside.

19. I don't care if your white, black, yellow, light skin, dark skin or even purple. Every shade is beautiful and I hope you embrace yourself.

20. When someone makes fun of you their most likely insecure/jealous.

21. Get off your phone now and be active. But don't stop reading... 😊

22. If your hair is messy and you don't know what to do with it. Put on a beanie/ hat. You will look cute without even trying.

 You will look cute without  even trying

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23. Don't fall for the face, fall for the personality

24. Don't stay out late. There's lots of bad people out there

25. Don't open your legs for any man, you don't want to be 16 and pregnant

26. Don't spread your business, all you know is your business ends up on CTV News 😂😂😂

27. Make sure you slay your edges.Especially when your hair is neat.

28. Get your eyebrows done every 2 weeks. So if you ain't feeling good about yourself you will always know that your eyebrows are on fleek.

29. Take lots of photos( especially of happy/fun moments) memories are important.

30. This tip is for you to get off your phone and go somewhere (anywhere)

Author's Note
These weren't really tips but oh well.... I was going to publish this chapter on Saturday but I had so much fun writing this I had to publish it. I hope you guys like it.

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