How to get a summer bikini body

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Your obviously not going to get that bikini body overnight. It takes time and if you really want a bikini body you have to work for it.

1. Eating a clean diet

Eating clean is important for your health, skin (basically everything) Try eating fruits and vegetables in your diet and drink lots of water. But do not STARVE YOURSELF! A reason why you shouldn't starve yourself  is because it screws up your metabolism. I will be making a chapter on why diet's are cruel so check it out.

2. Workout

Obviously your not going to get a bikini body by sitting on your butt all day, gurl you need to work out! Set a scedule on the days your going to work out and be committed to it. Don't skip workouts because your not going to get the results you want.

3. This is not really a way to get a summer bikini body but don't compare yourself to other girls. I see some girls going to the gym and saying "Oh I want to look like her" NO BOO! How are you going to complish your goals if your comparing yourself to other girls.Have confidence in your body! 

4. Get off the scale!!

Please don't use the scale to see how much you weight. You will get distracted, and remember  numbers aren't everything. Instead take pictures of your body to see how far you came and your progress. You should measure yourself  once a month.

Author's note

Hey guys I just want to say thank you for 400+ reads and I will be updating once a week. The next chapter will be how diet's are cruel, I might update it this week. If anyone is doing exams comment down below. And if anyone is commited to getting a summer bikini body send me before and after pics. I would like to see your results and I would be glad that I'm helping others.

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