How To Become Slim Thck

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There's so much people that tell me "Oh I want to be Slim Thick". I want to be this and that but, don't put in the effort to get there. If you really want something, it's not going to come easy, there has to be a commitment. Just know all your shapes and sizes are beautiful. This is for people who want to get that figure. If your skinny and you hate hearing ppl say " you need to eat more" or " your soo skinny" this chapter is for you.

1. Stay away from junk food

It's true that if you eat a lot of junk food you will get thicker and put on some more weight but.... your not just going to get thicker in the ass, your gonna get thicker in the belly too. And you clearly don't want that and if you do, this ain't the chapter for you sis.

2. Gym membership!!

This step is very crucial. In order to get thicker, you need to grow the glutes. I'm going to show you guys how to activate the glutes. Also increasing the weights in your squats and lunges contribute to a phatter asss! 🤪 if you guys are unable to go to the gym, start from home. Substitute weights for maybe a bag of rice, or a heavy box, etc. Stay tuned for my YouTube Chanel I'm going to add all the workouts home and gym to help you get there. I will be able to express myself better.

3. Eat healthy

I know I've seen this in my previous chapters but, it's very important. I want y'all to be healthy. Eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, protein shakes😋😋😋 that will build those glutes. Make sure you try to consume at least 2,000 calories to build the glutes and not the gut. If y'all have a lot of fat already on your body ( this can be skinny ppl too). I highly request to do cardio ( no jogging, only sprinting!). You have to burn off the fat before you can build your muscles.

3. Biceps and triceps are crucial
Ladies, your not going to turn into hulk if you work on your upper body😂. So many girls are afraid cuz they think they will look to buff. You can't just work on only your lower body, you need to incorporate all your muscles and don't over do it. What I mean by that is,have a Schedule you can be consistent with. For instance, work your lower body maybe Monday and Friday and then upper body Wednesday and Sunday.

4. Building glutes information
When your main focus is building the glutes, you really want to reduce your cardio. And I'm not saying cut it out but, don't do too much of it because you will loose muscle

5. Core!!!!

There's many core workouts you can establish at home. There's crunches, sit ups, planks, etc. Stay tuned for my YouTube Chanel!

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