How To Slay

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*How to be healthier*

We all like to get out of our way and munch on Junk food, it can be hard to avoid junk food because it's everywhere, but just because majority of our food is junk and fat doesn't mean we have to eat it. Once in a while is okay but there's some healthier decisions you can make in your lives to be healthier and once you are healthier, you'll look healthier, be healthier and feel healthier. Here are some tips on how to be healthier.

First let's start off with why you should be healthy....

  If you're eating the right food and keeping fit, your body will be strong and help you to cope with stress and also fight illness. Eating well and exercising often when you're a teenager will also help you stay in good health later in life. Getting regular sleep is another really important way to stay healthy.  Also if your not healthy and your not feeling healthy, your self-esteem drops. Why are you making your body suffer?? put the right things in your body and treat your body with respect! I'm going to make a chapter about How To Get Great Sleep because no one wants to see bags under eyes, puffy face etc. Of course everybody is not perfect but just get some rest, you'll need it so your not tired the next day.


#1.!! This is a really important tip that's why I put it as #1.

Plan your meals!!! If you don't plan your meals, your just going to see dorito's in your kitchen and eat it, why?? because it's an option for you. When you plan your meals your saving money and your eating healthy because that's what you prepared. Planning your meals can also prevent you from eating at fast-food places. Say for instance, you come home late from work etc. the first thing on your mind will be to order pizza, but if you plan your meals you don't have to worry about waisting 10 bucks on pizza.


I hate drinking water, I hate water but I still try my best to drink atleast 8 cups of water each day even though I don't feel like too. Drinking water will not only keep you healthy but it will make you healthier from head to toe  and when you drink 8 cups of water each day I promise you, you will see changes in your skin, especially if your struggling from acne. Water keeps your whole body hydrated so drink up!

3.Include lean protein, vegetables, fruit, low-fat dairy, and whole grains in your diet .

Eat those fruits and vegetables!! 

There's lots of things you can put in your salads to make it taste amazing

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There's lots of things you can put in your salads to make it taste amazing. For ex. you can put fruits in your sald, bread crumps etc. Be creative and make healthy food choices. Make sure when your at the super marker always go for gluten- free foods, their healthier.

4. Exercise!!

Some of yall want to stay in bed on your phone till 3/4 in the morning and then you wake up at 1/2 in the afternoon! Get off your lazy bum and get some exercise. Laziness is a real struggle and if you want to be healthier you can't be lazy. How much effort you pit in is how much you'll get out!

5. Don't skip meals and make sure you eat your breakfast

I'm not saying you should have big meals for breakfast but atleast eat something.

  If half of your plate is vegetables and fruit, you're on the right track. Add in lean protein, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. Once a steady eating pattern has been established, your body will feel more comfortable. There may be a period of time when your body is wondering where the sugary foods went, but once you're over the hump, you'll feel better than ever.

Remember that not all fats are bad for you. Good fats can be found in oily fish like salmon and tuna, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. These are essential to a well-

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