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"Why in the name of all things holy would y'all dump water on me?!" I screeched out as I slammed the door to the car and stomped over to the trunk.

"Why the fuck ain't you wearing a bra?!" my brother yelled out walking to the house. Oh no he don't get to be pissed nah I was the one who nipples was saying hello to the parking lot of McDonald's. I rolled my eyes as started grabbing my bags.

"Princess..." Gotdammit. I glanced over at Namjoon.

"What nigga?" I saw his eyes darken a bit but I paid no mind to him and whatever little game his ass was playing. 

"What aren't you wearing a bra?" I huffed rolling my eyes getting agitated.
"Boy that ain't none of your fucking business dam- Ahh!" I felt that stinging on my ass again and a hand on my lower back keeping me bent over.

"Babygirl, you don't ever talk daddy like that." He growled out before he swatted my ass again. Am I getting spanked in the middle of my driveway? He swatted me again and I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from moaning. "Apologize."

"I'm sorry." I told him only for him to smack my bottom once more.

"I'm sorry who?" I whimpered when I felt him rub my ass a bit. God I am going to change my panties I can feel that I was almost dripping.

"I'm sorry daddy!"

"Good girl." I could hear the grin in his voice as he let me go grabbing Marcus' and his bags heading into the house. I took a moment to collect myself.

I just got spanked by Namjoon.

In my driveway.

I called him daddy.

In my driveway.

In the middle of the day.

Oh my god! I quickly gather my bags as I glanced around making sure none of my neighbors say that and scurried into the house and to my room quickly closing and locking my door. I sat the bags down and dug into my purse grabbing my phone and my cigarettes tossing them on my bed before I grabbed a pair of new panties and went into my bathroom to change back into my PJs. After changing I went back into my room and flopped onto my bed grabbing my phone and a cigarette. I placed the cigarette in my mouth as I facetimed my best friend wincing a bit as I shifted on my bed. My ass really did hurt! Asshole.

It took a minute before she picked up glaring at me.

"Bitch what?' Jolie asked me as she cuddle down back down into her plush bed. I rolled my eyes as I light my cigarette taking a long drag.

"Namjoon spanked me today." I told her in the most casual tone I could muster. It took her a moment to realize what I said but when she did I'm sure her neighborhood knew too because she screamed

I winced at that as I took another drag glaring at the girl.

"Shut up my house ain't soundproof!" I hissed out glancing at the door hoping no one will walk in.

"Nah girl I need to hear this. What the fuck do you mean he spanked you?!"

I sighed as I told her the whole story even including the daddy and the 'my punishment isn't over' shit.

"BITCH!" She once again shouted causing me to roll my eyes as I snuffed out my cigarette in an ashtray on my nightstand and laid on the bed.

"Okay okay shut up." I groaned out as I flipped over on my stomach. "How you and your girl?" I asked her trying to get off the topic. I heard her let out a dreamy sigh and a goofy grin broke across her and I couldn't help but to smile. She was so in love.

"We're good. She's taking me out tonight to a dinner party...that I need to get dress for now. I'll call you tonight. Okay love you bye." And with that she hung up. I giggled at that as I set my phone next to me and grabbed my remote to turn on my tv and turned the channel to Bravo to watch Real Housewives of NYC marathon.

I was about two hours into when my bedroom door slammed open causing me to jump. I quickly snapped my head over to the intruder and groaned when I saw Namjoon. I really don't know what he want right now but I honestly just wanna be left alone to watch my show but he had other things in mind because his ass closed my door and sat on the end of my bed.

"These shows are trash you know that right." I rolled my eyes.

"I know." I muttered after a beat not taking my eyes off the tv though I did glance over at him when I felt him shift a bit to lay down. During this time I let my eyes wonder over him. He wore a simple black wife beater and a pair of gray sweats.

My weakness.

I quickly turned my attention back to the show since I heard Bethenny yelling but before I could really figure out what she was yelling about I felt Namjoon's hand on my exposed thigh rubbing it a bit. Is he for real? Is this seriously going down?

Clearing my thoat I sat up a bit trying to distance myself from him. 

"Umm so sup?" I ask a bit awkwardly. I inwardly cringed at that normally I am not awkward, shit I could talk niggas into giving me therr cars if I truly wanted to but Namjoon makes me feel like a high schooler talking to her crush.

He smirked at me and gave me a shrugged. "Marc went out with some hoe so I decided it would be a perfect time to chill with my Babygirl." He told me as his hand went back to rubbing my thigh.

Yeah "chill", boy I'm 23 years old I know what the fuck that mean. I stared at him for a moment as I thought something over. I've been wanting this boy to dick me down for about a while now but he was my brother's friend and I didn't think I could cross that line so I never actively went for him.

But...I don't think I can pass on this opportunity. This literally something out of my dreams!

"Chill?" I asked him as I moved back into my former position and turning my attention back to the TV. I felt him shift again only this time he shifted so he was behind me and I felt my face warm as he continued to stroke my thigh.

"Mhm chill babygirl." I just nodded my head as I continued to watch my show. It didn't take long for me to feel him moving up my thigh and place his hand on my covered pussy and started to rub gently. I bit down on my bottom lip as I shifted a bit.

'Yeah we are gonna do this shit' I thought as I turned to face him pressing my lips against his.

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