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"I find it so weird that you have  tattoos..." I shifted as I felt Namjoon trace the three star tattoos that was on my right side while I took a hit from the bong. "I always figured you would be afraid of needles."

I glanced over at him while handed it to him. The two of us were sitting on the couch out in the garage that Marcus and him converted into a kickback spot. It was a pretty sick setup. We had the Xbox One and a smaller flat screen out here that we were currently using to play music on Youtube, there was a microwave and our junk food freezer out here too.

"I am. But only with needles in the hands of nurses. You should see me when I gotta get a shot or my blood drawn ." I told him as I grinned leaning back on the couch. This was nice I actually really liked talking to Namjoon. When I first met him I thought he was another fuckboy my brother hung out with but he was actually really funny and I could have deeper conversations with him.

As he handed me the bong I felt his eyes on my face. After taking my hit I felt him poke my cheek and felt a dull pain shoot through me. Oh the bruise. Man it hurts like a B. I should kill Devon and Alana for this.

"Why did you ever date that asshole?"
He asked after a few moments of silence. I shrugged.

"I had a huge crush on him during High School so when he asked me out when we were in our Sophomore year of college, I hopped on that shit. He was so sweet for like a month or two then his real personality came out and everything went down hill from there."
I sighed I felt so stupid. Namjoon shifted closer to me wrapping his arm around me.

"Aye, he's an asshole. You got Daddy to take care of you know." I felt my cheeks warming up at his statement. I leaned my head against his shoulder. As I let the marijuana take me to a state of bliss I started to think about Devon.

I'm not gonna lie. My relationship with Devon kinda fucked me up, shit it still left a extremely bitter taste in mouth. I wasn't lying when I said that Devon completely changed after the  first few months.  It was an extremely toxic relationship. At first he was a doting  boyfriend, very loving and caring but then his true colors started to show.

At the four months mark we already started to have some pretty serious arguments; he hated me spending time with other men, even my brother. He always accused me of cheating, and that I was probably sleeping with most of our Sophomore class. He was so controlling, he started making me ask him for permission to go out! He even started to become emotional abusive.
'You're so fucking fat, you better thank the heavens I like you!'

'Baby you know no one but me would want you.'

'Have you thought about bleaching your skin? You're getting pretty dark.'

I should of ended there.

At six months his infidelity started, though I'm positive it started way before this. At first it started with him always canceling our dates, making some lame ass excuse. 'I'm working late.' 'I'm sick.' 'My car isn't working.' And I believed every one of them. I always justified the excuses. His job did make him overtime before. There was a cold going around. Well, his car was a piece of crap. It wasn't till I was over at his house one day, we...well I was trying to rekindle the flame of our relationship and while we were fuckin' he called out Alana's name.  Now I don't know if y'all even been with someone and they called out someone else's name but let me just tell you the rage you feel is like no other!

And I just snapped. I pushed him off of me and just went crazy. I screamed and I cursed. I even threatened to kill him before I stormed out the house and to my car taking off to home. When I got home I just broke down, I had to get rid of everything that reminded me of him. His shirts, the gifts he got me, everything had to go. 
By the time my brother got home my room was a mess, FUCK I was a mess! And yet that wasn't my breaking point, nah I was a stupid young woman who, despite everything he did, still loved Devon.

My breaking point didn't come till about three months later. I took Devon back and I have to be honest those three months was like I was with the guy who I was crushing on in high school. I should of known Devon true nature would show its ugly ass head again.

It started as a simple question.
'Hey what took you so long baby?'
We were suppose to be going out for dinner that night and it took him a while to show up at my house. It was a simple question and I didn't think that would set him 
But it did.
A question turned into an argument. That argument turned into a screaming match. It was a mess, I was screaming he was screaming and the next thing I knew I was pressed against the door with his hands around my neck squeezing it with so much pressure that my vision began to be clouded with black dots.  But the one thing I will never forget was the look in Devon's eyes. I saw pure anger and hatred.

He actually wanted to kill me.

I don't remember much of what happened after that because I blacked  that out from my memory but I do remember seeing my brother beating Devon within an inch of his sad pathetic life.

Shaking my head a bit I tried to not think about that shit no more. It was in the past where I wanted it to be. I closed my eyes choosing to listen to the music and Namjoon singing along to Lil Yachty  instead. And as I did so I couldn't help the smile from spreading across my face as I realized something. With Namjoon I felt somethings I haven't felt in a good minute. I felt loved, I felt wanted and more importantly...

I felt safe.

    [ A/N Ah so we finally get a bit more info on Marcie's and Devon's relationship! And is little Marcie catching feelings already?]

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