House Party

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Y' friends are fucking cock blocks! Like they really are. Just as I was going to take a shower and get sexy for Daddy, my friend Alicia called me telling me I had to go to a house party tonight. Something about it was mandatory by her, and honestly I wasn't going to argue. So here I am standing in front of my large wardrobe in just a fluffy robe, trying to figure out my outfit. Alicia had snapped me a picture of her outfit with a caption saying our group of friends had to look like a unit and that we had to look like hoes...but expensive ones... so channeling my inner sugar baby I pulled out my nude gold colored metallic dress and a pair of shoes that matched the dress hanging it up on my door.

 so channeling my inner sugar baby I pulled out my nude gold colored metallic dress and a pair of shoes that matched the dress hanging it up on my door

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I quietly shuffled my way to my bathroom throwing my hair up into a ponytail so I could shower. 'I probably should straighten my hair tonight' I thought to myself as I stood on the toilet to grab my flat iron on top of one of the shelfs only to feel that it's not up there. Hmm strange. I hopped down to search under my sink and again it wasn't there what the fuck? After searching both my bathroom and bedroom and coming up empty  I immediately knew who took it. Sighing I tightened my robe before storming out of my room to go yell at Namjoon. He ain't getting called daddy for a cool minute.

"Namjoon!" I shouted as I entered the living room where he and my brother was playing CoD at. He snapped his eyes at me for a second before turning them back on the screen.


"Where is my flat iron." I asked him. It took he more than 20 seconds to answer because of that game...and yes I counted it was exactly 23.5 seconds. And I was starting to get annoyed and when I'm annoyed the brat comes out.

"Er..." He started not even looking at me. "On the table in the garage. We needed it to try to make dabs...didn't work." He told me and my brother nodded.

Anger. That's all I felt. Pure skin warming anger.

Calm down Marcie... calm down. Murder isn't the answer. You can be petty later.

"Where you going anyways?" Marcus asked me. He knew I only straighten my hair when I went out. Shit normally I'd just braid it back and throw on a wig but tonight I wanted to see if my hair would work with me for once in its life

"Alicia asked... well more like ordered me to go to this house party. It's squad mandatory. " I told them with attitude before making my way to the garage to grab my flat iron and one of the jars full of tree. I stomped my way to my room hoping to take a quick shower before Tweedledee and Tweedledum busted in. Before making my way to the shower I turned on my surround sound speakers and hooked my phone up to it so I could listen to music. I sighed as I walked into my bathroom turing on my shower letting it heat up. As it was going that I looked at my assortment of body soaps and bars. I wanted to smell sexy but some of these soaps I didn't have a lotion or perfume to pair them with. After a minute of consideration I decided to go with my Warm Vanill Sugar. It was a very seductive smell when I paired it with my Black Opium perfume. I grabbed the soap and set the lotion down on the counter and hopped my ass in the shower.
I emerged from the bathroom a good 30 minutes later, in my robe smelling oh so good. Beyonce's voice filled my room as she croon out the first notes of End of Time.
I rocked my hips to the beat, humming along as I sat down at my vanity and began my skincare  routine and prepped for my makeup. Once everything was prepped I quickly went to work on my makeup, going for a very Instagram baddie look with my black velvet lipstick from Limecrime as my lip color. After I did my makeup I started to part my hair into sections as my flat iron heated up. Another 30 minutes passed and finally I was done I just had to slip on my shoes and my god did I look fantastic. My hair was laid! My face beat! My body was snatched!

Unplugging my phone I tossed it into one of my little cluches with some cash before sliding on my shoes and making my way out my room...and why was Namjoon and Marcus dressed and chilling by the door?
They ain't going with me? I sighed in frustrating, who was I kidding like I had any choice in that. But I can, and will be, cock an attitude.

I guess they heard my heels clicking because they dropped whatever conversation they had to look at me. And both of them had a look of disapproval on their faces, Namjoon had a bit of jealousy mixed in too...good.

"I take it y'all going?" I asked as I took out my phone to check if any of my friends messaged me in our group chat. And they did, telling me that the party was only two streets over from my house and that I needed to get my rump over there asap so we can party. Fuck that means taking my car would be pointless and I had to walk...these shoes are NOT walking shoes!

"You're not wearing that!" Marcus yelled breaking me out of my thoughts as he made his way over to me pulling at the hem of my dress, trying to get it to go down a bit more.I smacked his hands away and rolled my eyes.

"Boy! Expensive!" I chastised as I fixed my dress. "And yes I am." I murmured the last part. I put my phone back into my clutch and pushed passed Marc so I could open the door. "Now let's go, we are walking since the party is two streets down.  Andale!" I shouted as I made my way out the house the two men following me.

After a 10 minute walk we made it and my feet was not hurting as bad as I thought. I saw my 4 girls chilling outside on Alicia's red little car.

"Baby Marcie!" Alicia screeched as she ran over to me when she saw me leaping on me wrapping her pale arms around me. Alicia was one of my few white friends, we known each other since middle school and even in high school we dated, it didn't work out but we still remained good friends. Behind her I saw Jolie, Vicki and Olivia who was Alicia's on and off girlfriend. Olivia and I got along wonderfully she even shared my obsession with the paranormal, since both of us could see things that we couldn't explain. I hugged all my girls and Alicia greeted the boys, giving Marcus a huge hug since they saw each other as siblings. After we all said hi we made our way inside to the party.

The party was lit! We've been here for 2 hours and I was fucked up and grinding on Namjoon as So Mi Like It played. I was throwing it back like it was my destiny and I knew this nigga did not know I could do this because he was cussing up a storm back there. After the song ended Namjoon pulled me closer to him so he could whisper in my ear over the loud music.

"Tomorrow your ass is mine!" he growled in my ear and I giggled pushing my ass against him a bit more.

"Whatever you say baby~!"

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