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The next morning I woke up (in my own room mind you, I ain't tryna get caught y'all) sore as fuck! Namjoon really tore my ass up, and what's worse is that we had class. Groaned I slowly got out of bed and made my way to my bathroom. A hot bath should help the soreness and I had more than enough time to take one. After I used the bathroom I drew my bath turning on the faucet, making sure the water was hot enough for my liking before I added a few drops of my favorite bath oil and a bath bomb. Once my bathtub was filled I turned off the water, stripped and slowly submerged myself in the hot water grabbing my Pink Cashmere body wash and a washcloth and went to work on bathing myself.

After a 20 minute bath I exited the bathroom in my white fluffy robe feeling a little better. Now time to get dressed. I opened my walk in closet and stepped in, glancing at the abundance of clothing I owned. I didn't even wear most of them I just didn't like throwing them out, like what if I wanted to wear them one day? I went over to where I hung the dresses, even though I wasn't a very organized person with most things in life, I liked my closet tidy and organized.

Hmm what dress should I wear? One I could pair with some flats because I ain't wearing heels, I'm still sore and honestly wearing heels to school isn't something I like doing, it's too crowded and I don't want anyone stepping on them. Maybe a simple sundress it was still relatively warm, and I could throw on a light jacket over it. Nah, most of my sundresses are not for school. Hmm what about...

"Oh!" I exclaimed out loud as I pulled a red and black dress off the rod. It was a dress I got a while ago, it was a halter dress it had that vintage rockabilly vibe to it. Flats would look cute with it. I grinned as I grabbed a cute leather moto jacket too, going for the full rockabilly look. I exited my closet and laid the dress on my bed so I could start my makeup and hair. I applied my skin care products before I did a full face make up, going with a simple cat eye for my eyes and a bold cherry red lip. For my hair, since it was still relatively straight I just tied a bandana around it like a headband, letting the ends poke upwards like bunny ears. It was cute. Getting up, I went over to my dresser and grabbed a random strapless bra and a paor panties slipping off my robe and slipped them on, not caring that they didn't match.




I let out a scream because whoever was knocking at my door scared the shit out of me...not literally though, that would be nasty as fuck! Narrowing my eyes I walked over to the door cracking it open just enough so it allowed them to only see my face. I sighed when I noticed it was only Marcus and Namjoon... okay I could of guessed that but shit, it could of been the police!

"What?" I hissed out, still glaring at them. Marcus rolled his eyes at me and his bare wrist like he was wearing a watch.

"Bitch, hurry the fuck up we are hungry!" He snapped out at me... um excuse me? Nigga who the fuck are you talking to too? Not me, shit he better be glad that I'm not in a petty mood.

"Let me get dress damn negro..." I muttered as I closed my door and went to my bed grabbing it and putting it on before I throw on the jacket and slipping on a pair of black flats that had cute little bows on it.

" I muttered as I closed my door and went to my bed grabbing it and putting it on before I throw on the jacket and slipping on a pair of black flats that had cute little bows on it

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