House Party pt 2

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Y'all remembered when I said this party was lit?

Well I lied. Okay kinda lied. It was lit like this party should of been shut down with how lit it was! But of course Lucifer had to tug on my wig a bit, just to let me know he was still here. And by that I mean guess who showed up? Alana fucking Gilbets that's who! Yes the bitch Devon cheated on me with, and this hag not only had the gall to show up with her nasty ass. Oh no! She decided to go flirt with Namjoon! That's my man!

I was currently sitting on of the couches, nursing a cup of Henny glaring at the two as Alana tried to grind on him, Namjoon looked so uncomfortable and I was 1.6 seconds away from turning this function into a Hell in a Cell match. Where was Marcus?! Wasn't he suppose to make sure his bros don't do shit like this?!

"Who the fuck does this skank ass hoe think she is?" I slurred out. Olivia who sat next to me glanced over at him then me.

The dark skinned beauty raised her eyebrow at me as she leaned over to so I could hear her over the music.

"He yours?" She asked me and I nodded not taking my eyes off the two.

Olivia smirked a bit as she took a sip of her beer. "Shit! I knew y'all was gonna fuck." She exclaimed with a giggle. "And isn't that the puta who that white boy cheated on you with?" I nodded again my glare darkening. Okay I might be over Devon but the fact that both of them disrespected me with that shit still makes my blood boil!

I saw Namjoon glanced over at me his eyes was screaming for help, and I couldn't let my bae suffer no more.

"Aye Imma go over there and rip that bitch off of him." I hissed out as I stood up, stumbling a bit in my heels.

"I'll be watching making sure that hoe and her little friends do pull no dumb shit!"

I love my friends, especially Liv! She was truly ride or die! I guess that why her and Alicia made a good couple, they both was crazy as fuck!

Pulling the skirt of my dress before I stalked over to the two, rage in my eyes. As I was making my way over to them I heard the first notes of Knuck If You Buck playing. Whoever was Deejaying must of known someone was going to fight because honestly it was perfect timing.

"Umm hello." I greeted them with a saccharine sweet smile on my face though my words was dripping with vemon.  I was met with a look of relief and one of terror as Alana stopped grinding on him. I grinned wider as I looked Alana in the eyes. For some reason this little girl suddenly got cocky as she glared at me before continuing to grind on my man.

"What do you want? Can't you see that we are busy!"

Oh. So this the game this bitch was going to play?

Alright let's play, this Henny got this hoe feeling froggy anyways!

So being the executive bitch I am, I made the executive decision of basically ripping Namjoon away from her.

"Thank you baby, god thank you so fucking much!" He whispered as he moved to grab my hand but I felt someone grab onto my hair yanking it really hard causing my to stumble onto the floor.

"Leave Alana alone you cow! " I heard some screech out before I felt  slaps to my face before a heeled shoe kicked me.

Am I getting jumped? I think I'm getting jump. I screamed a bit as I arranged my body so I could start swinging on the bitch who had my hair. In the mist of this I heard Olivia's voice screaming profanities in Spanish and the bitch (Who I bet money on was Alana.) that was kicking me was pulled away from me allowing me to focus my attention on the first hoe. I somehow managed to remove her hands from my hair and got a good look of her. And immediately when I saw the boxed blonde I knew she was a friend of Alana. Of course it was one of Alana's little friends, Jenny? Jenni? Ginny? However she spelled it that doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that she was gonna catch these hands, right the fuck now. I just started swinging for the bitch, taking slight joy of the screech she made when I popped her right in the eye. I tackled the bitch, and started raining dowm haymakers on her. Like Mayweather would be proud if he saw this!

Before I could K.O. this hoe I felt familiar strong arms wrap around my  middle and lifted me up off her.

No! I'm not finished beating the bitches ass! I struggled against the person who held me but I felt the grip they had turn into bruising one causing me to moan softly. I glanced behind me and saw Namjoon with a dark authoritative look on his face.

"Enough." He hissed out and I obeyed. Might be the Henny, but I swear I've never been so turned on...okay that's a lie. I'm just a freak.

I glanced over to Liv and saw that Marcus had magically appeared and was trying to pull her away with the help of Alicia and Vick...though Alicia looked like she was gonna pounce of Alana next.

Time to now. I called my friends to get their attention as Namjoon sat me down though he kept a firm grip on my hips.

"Let's go to my house." I called out to them and slowly but surely we got out the house. Vick drove Alicia's car over to my house with Marcus and Jolie while the rest of us walked.

The whole two blocks was full of me, Olive and Alicia talking shit about Alana swearing the next time we see that trick we will beat her ass. Namjoon stayed silent, which was a bit unnerving. I could tell he was upset, not sure if it was with me or not but he'll get over it. Especially when I throw this ass back at him tomorrow. Gonna have him thinking about not pulling out and cuffing my ass.

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