Discussions, Moving and a Housewarming party

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The three of us was sitting in the living room in complete silence, with Marcus laying on the large couch while Namjoon and I sitting on the love seat.

"So...you're not mad?" I broke the silence. I was worried that he would...you know snap? Like I was fucking (and maybe dating? We needed to have that talk soon too.) his best friend. I wouldn't blame him for being upset about that. It was some trifling shit on both our parts.

Marcus shook his head as he moved to sit up.

"Well I ain't gonna lie, when Joon told  about all y'all shit that night at the bar I was this close to beating his ass." He said while almost pressing his pointer finger and thumb together. "But after I calmed down and actually talked to him about it, I realized he actually cares and love about your crazy ass."

"Hey! I'm not crazy!" The two men both gave look of doubt. "I'm not crazy! Temperamental? Most definitely. High maintenance? Probably. But not crazy." I defended myself with a pout. Namjoon rolled his eyes but I saw a fond look in his dark eyes that caused me to flush.

"Anyways, before I was interrupted by your rude ass." I quickly gave him the bird, but kept quiet. "Me and him talked, and while I found it weird for a minute I realized he's actually good for you. I mean Mars, you ain't got the best track record with your love life."

That's a fair and valid point.

"So, no I'm not mad and I'm giving y'all my blessing." Marcus grinned.

Well, this was going way better than I expected. I looked over and Namjoon and grinned.

Like holy shit, my brother actually approve of us. I know I don't talk about it a lot, but I really do care about my twins approval, like he's my brother and I care deeply and don't want to hurt him.

"But," Namjoon started and I frowned a bit knowing this new conversation I wasn't going to like. "Marcella we do need to talk about your stalkers situation. Because the next time those fuckers come into our yard, I'm gonna kill them." I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Well, what the fuck am I going to do?" I groaned. I knew that this issue was serious but I felt helpless, I already talked to the police and honestly they wasn't very helpful only telling me I could file a restraining order on my ex, Devon but nothing for Franklin since technically he didn't do anything really illegal. I was stuck!

"We can move." Marcus suggested. I looked over at him to see the dead serious look on his face. "I already talked to the folks and they are okay with us selling this place. It's for your safety Marcella, these niggas are getting real dangerous. Showing up at the house and shit, and that shit with Devon months ago proves that he ain't afraid to get violent." Sighing, I realized he had a point. Selling this place and moving would be best...

"Moving would be best." I murmured. "The sooner the better. I'll call a Realtor today and set up a meeting. Hopefully, we can set up an appointment and get this shit rolling by the end of the month. How much do you think we should list this place for?" I asked.

"Well, we paid what, 1.8 million for this place?" Marcus asked. I had to think about that, since technically our parents bought it for us as a graduation gift but he was right around the mark.

"Yeah, I believe so. And that was two years ago so the market price should of rose. So I'm guessing we could get a cool 2.3 or something around that ballpark after the commission from the realtor. And since we kept this place pretty immaculate, plus the neighborhood is fantastic I don't think it would be too hard to sell."

"Where should we move to though?" Namjoon asked as he grabbed my hand. I shrugged again.

"Location isn't a big deal, just that it fits our lifestyle. I would prefer to be closer to our Uni though, and maybe have a pool."

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