Crash PART 1

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(A/N The photo has Jo after the crash at the top, and Rowan on the bottom twice before and after she cleaned herself up. the kids in the first one shot will be their kids name. The ages will change. Right now every kid has moved out besides Toby who is at college, and Rowan who is 15. This story will have parts. Also, Rowan is like a mini Jo. Looks and attitude)

I get in the car at 10:00 p.m. Alex works tonight, so Rowan and I are having our annual watch bad sappy movies. It's the best thing ever! I buy candy, and popcorn. Rowan is at home doing the dishes. Then I get a call from her I pick it up.
"Hey honey what's up?" I ask.
"Hey where are you? Did you get my gobstoppers?" She asks.
"I'm about 10 blocks away, and yes of course I did," I say.
"You're the best mom ever!" She says.
"I know. Well you know what I say a little bit of popcorn and a little bit of candy make the best movie night!" I say.
Then as I'm 2 blocks away I see a car not stopping at their stop sign as I go through the intersection. Next thing you know everything goes black.

Rowan POV
            I'm on the phone with my mom and after she says her saying I hear a big smash.
"Mom? Mom?!" I scream.
No response. I run outside and 2 blocks away I see her car and another car smashed into hers. Ok, ok, calm down just call the hospital.

Steph POV

Ring Ring Ring
I answer the hospital phone.
"Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital," I say.
"Hello?! Aunt Steph!" I hear Rowan scream.
"Rowan?!" I scream as everyone looks at me.
"It's mom! She she was drive driving home, and we were on the phone she was hit!" Rowan screams.
"What?!" I scream.
"She's 2 blocks from home send an ambulance!" She screams.
"Ok, Rowan I'm gonna need you to hold on for a second while I get an ambulance," I say.
"Hey! I need an ambulance sent to (whatever the address is). Now! This is one of us!" I scream.
"Who?" My intern asks.
"Dr. Jo Karev!" I scream.
"What about Jo?" Alex asks.
I turn around and see Alex, Mark, Lexie, Mer, Riggs, Maggie, April, Jackson, Amelia, and Owen. Not to mention all the attendings in the ER.
"It's Jo, she was hit," I say as they all drop their faces.
We send out the ambulance and for what remedy like forever the ambulance pulls up.
"18 year old male. Name is Peyton Sanford. He was the driver, and is intoxicated," Nicole says.
"He's Rowan's best friends older brother," Alex says.
Then Jo's ambulance pulls up.
"50 year old female (I know I'm probably wrong but whatever) sustained a few injuries, and it looks like she'll need surgery," Nicole says.
Then I see Rowan step out of the ambulance covered in her mothers blood. This is terrible for a girl and Jo to be going through this. She comes up to me and cries.
"Hey, your mom will be fine. Trust us," I say.
"My mom always said one rule of she needed care. No interns, and the best residents and attendings only. Don't let her die Aunt Steph please," Rowan says.
Then I take her to Alex as I walk into the trauma room where Jo is.
"Rowan has told me Jo has rules for her care. No interns and best residents and attendings only," I say.
"Ok interns out. Um, you and you stay. You and you leave," Callie says while I start the neuro consult.
"Ok, she's got 2 broken ribs which I can fix in surgery, and I don't do anything else," Callie says.
"She is good with cardio and lungs," Riggs says.
"Her brain is fine, but her spinal cord is a little damaged, and I need to fix it," I says.
I tell Alex while Rowan calls her siblings and grandmother. He nods and we head up to surgery. Jo don't die on us. Please.

Rowan POV
I'm sitting in the waiting room when Peyton's family shows up.
"Sydney (my best friend since I was a baby) hey," I say.
"Hey my brother got in a car accident," Sydney says.
"Please let us see our son! Is he ok?! I want the driver who caused this arrested!" Mrs. Sanford says.
"Um, ma'am please sit down," April says.
"No! Who did this to my son?!" She asks.
"Mom let's just sit down," Sydney says.
"Not until I know who did this!" Ms. Sanford.
"Your son was driving while intoxicated, and started all this by blowing through a stop sign in a neighborhood," April says.
"Oh, Rowan! What are you doing here?! Who's blood is that on your face?!" She asks concerned.
"Your son hit my mom. This is her blood. We are supposed to be watching sappy movies, but we're here instead," I say as I see Emma and her boyfriend Chale. I push the Sanfords out of my way and hug her.
"Are you ok?! Oh my god where's mom?!" She asks.
I explain everything, and she starts crying while her stupid boyfriend comforts her. I hate him just like my dad and mom hate him. My dad and I let it show. My mom subtly does it. Then Toby shows up  and he has a girl with him.
"Where's dad?" He asks.
"Observing moms surgery so that they don't screw up," I say.
"Oh thank god. Guys this is my girlfriend Claire," he says.
"Hi Claire I'm Emma this is my boyfriend Chale," Emma says shaking her hand motioning for me to say hi, and be polite.
"How long have you known each other? How long have you been dating?" I ask.
"We have known each other for 3 months and have been dating for 2," she says.
"Toby over here for a second," I say grabbing his arm while April watches me, and ease drops on us.
"Really you brought your girlfriend to the hospital?! Mom isn't going to want to wake up to your girlfriend," I say.
"What are you gonna do about it?" He says.
"Oh ok you just wait and see," I say as I walk up to the front desk.
"Page Dr. Alex Karev please," I say to the nurse at the front desk.
"You can't do that you little tattle tale!" He says.
"I'm not allowed to do that unless it's an emergency," the nurse says.
"You don't think this is an emergency?! My mother is in the hospital and I need him!" I say as I start fake crying like my mom can. I'm the only one in my family besides my mom who can do that.
"Nurse Debby please page Dr. Alex Karev it's obvious his daughter needs him," April says.
"I was the youngest. The best thing is daddy's little girl. You get away with everything," April says as we laugh and I nod my head.
"I got paged what's up?" My dad asks me.
"Well Emma got here and Chale's with her, and Toby brought Claire his girlfriend of 2 months," I say pointing to them.
"Well they both need to go until your mom is a little better," my dad says looking at Toby to kick Claire and Chale out. Then Emma looks at me like she's ready to strangle me.
"Alex, we finished. The surgery was very successful, and scans show that she should be up very soon. She'll have a great recovery," Steph says.
I hug her. Then when we get out her room she has an IV, and a feeding tube until she wakes up. After 2 hours she wakes up, and after she gets her feeding tube taken off we all talk. I didn't expect to talk about this topic though.

To be continued! Until then check out my other book! It's Jolex

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