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I wake up and hear the coffee running and someone baking something. I get out of my bed and all my children in the kitchen and Alex baking waffles.
"It's like when we were little and dad would make waffles on Sunday's" Emma says.
"Waffle Sunday's," I say as they look around and I hug Emma and Toby.
"Morning," Alex says.
"Hey," I say.
"Coffee mi madre," Emma says handing me coffee.
"Gracious mi hija," I say to her as Toby rolls his eyes.
"Why must you guys speak Spanish?" He asks.
"If you took Spanish and not German then you would understand us," I say as Alex laughs.
"Today Emma and I are getting our nails done, tomorrow Toby and I will go ride the ferry and get lunch, and Sunday Rowan and I will play laser tag," I say as each of my kids smile.
"And I will take the kids your aren't hanging out with to somewhere," he says as I smile.
"Emma I just need to get ready and then I can go," I say.
When we get to the salon we get our manicures and she dumps everything on me, and tells EVERYTHING.

Small chapter but next update will be longer

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