Crash PART 2

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This is no longer a one shot book. Read description please.

Rowan POV
My mother wakes up, and my dad smiles.
"Did the gobstoppers make it?" She asks me.
"I don't think so," I say as we laugh.
"Why is Emma rolling her eyes?" My mother asks.
"She's mad at me because dad kicked Chase, and Toby's girlfriend of 2 months out," I say.
"Oh will you two grow up! I just got in a car crash! Emma I don't like Chale, and Toby really?! You think I want to wake up with your love life staring down at me," my mom says.
"Jo, how you feeling?" Callie asks.
"Very popular," she says as she points to the nurses and doctors hovering around her room.
"Haha," she says.
Then I hear a knock its Aunt Steph.
"Jo, we fulfilled your wishes that Rowan told us. You're scans seem great," Steph says.
"Well thank god I was nervous for a second. Sydney what are you doing here?" My mom asks.
"Um, well you see," she was trying to explain.
"Her brother was the drunk driver that nearly killed you!" Emma yells.
"Emma! He didn't nearly kill her you drama queen," I say.
"Um, Rowan can I talk to you?" Sydney asks.
"Yes," I say as I get up, and my mom lets me go.
"Hey, I'm so sorry," she says while I interrupt her.
"It's fine its your brother. I don't want to see him for a little bit though," I say as we laugh.
"Me neither. My mom is having a cow right now. She literally doesn't think any of this is Peyton's fault. Not to mention that he doesn't have any damages, and she thinks he should get extra brain scans," Sydney says.
"Uh," I say as we laugh.
Then I see the rest of the Sanford family including their drunk driver they call a son. I roll my eyes, and walk inside. They follow.
"Jo we are so sorry. We just wanted to know if you were pressing charges. We already have a felony charge," Mrs. Sanford says.
"Um, well I haven't really thought about it, I mean I just woke up from surgery. But probably yeah," my mom says.
"Why?! He is an innocent young man!" Ms. Sanford yells.
"Your son has been down the wrong path for a year!" My mom yells.
"You said when you came in you wanted whoever did this arrested," I yell.
"Sydney let's go. You stay away from my daughter," Mrs. Sanford says to me
"No mom I'm not going! You think he's the best. Your pride and joy! Getting a C for a grade is the best thing ever! I have straight A's, and I am in AP classes!" Sydney yells.
"Oh Syd honey," Mrs. Sanford says as Sydney walks out. She chases after her while Peyton and Mr. Sanford walks out.
"So, Jo what are you feeling right now?" Callie asks.
"I feel like I've been hit by a car," my mom says.
Callie laughs.
"Jo, you are doing great for someone who has just woken up," Steph says.
"Great, so what are we going to do?" Mom asks.
"Well you can rest here until we decide to discharge you," Steph says.
"Ok," my mom says.
Then Emma an Toby head to a hotel. Then dad and I set up camp in moms hospital room. Then dad wakes up, and I hear his phone go off. I let him go, and play on my phone. When Emma and Toby show up mom is ready to snatch their faces off.

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