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             When we walk in the house we see Kurt on our couch and Rowan isn't in the room.
"Oh hey Mrs. Karev," Kurt says to me.
"Hi," I say as I remember Alex is in the car putting donation piles in the trunk.
"Hey so we didn't have kettle corn only butter," Rowan says as she walks in and nearly drops the popcorn bowl.
"Ok so um well," she says as Alex walks in with Kurt's mother next to him.
"So according to Kurt's mother you. It's we're told you couldn't hang out tonight," Alex says.
"Kurt let's go. Bye Rowan," Kurt's mom says as she nearly pulls him by the ear.
"Bye Kurt," I say as I shut the door and wait for them to pull out.
"Really?!" I yell.
"I just ------we thought," She says stuttering.
"I can't believe you!" Alex says.
"You are grounded for a week," I say.
"Here's my iPhone, Apple Watch, MacBook, and IPad," Rowan says as she walks away.
"Night," I say to her.
"Night," she says back.
"We are good parents," I say.
"No we're great parents because we bought our 15 year old all of those Apple products," Alex says.
"Yeah but we really on bought them because we got them too," I say as we laugh and go to bed. We have work tomorrow.

Alex POV

                    When I get up Rowan is drinking coffee, and Jo is leaving as I get my coffee. She kisses me goodbye, and I watch her get in her car and drive off. When I walk downstairs I see Rowan in a dress that I would not let her wear in a million years if I had the choice.
"Where did you get that?" I ask her.
"What this? Mom bought it for me," she says with a smile.
"You cannot wear that," I say.
"Dad I would love to argue this but I have a bus to catch to school," She says.
"You know what I'll drive you," I say.
"Dad mom bought me this dress," she says.
"I know but I do not agree with this purchase," I say.
"Mom bought it! If you have a problem talk to her!" she says.
"Fine then let's get you to school," I say as she heads out my car.
I drop her off at school, and get paged for trauma as soon as I get to the hospital. When I get there the whole trauma was a bunch of dead people. We have had a slow day because all the three live ones got sent to Seattle Pres. Every single trauma. Every single trauma was right outside every other hospital but this one. Then as I walk down the halls I get pushed into a room by Jo, Mer, Steph, Bailey, Webber, Warren, and Deluca. "There is a gunman walking around the hospital," Mer says before I can even ask.

Oh no there is a gunman walking around the hospital.

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