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Alex POV
We are in the room when Jo looks at me terror in her eyes and tears screaming down Bailey's face. We all talk for a little bit and then Jo's phone vibrates. She turns it off and reads it.
"Who texted?" I ask her.
"Rowan. She texted me about how the car ride with you was interesting," she says.
"We had an argument," I say.
"About?" She asks.
"She wore a small dress," I say.
"She wore a dress like every other teenage girl that buys those dresses," she says.
"I like the shirts she had when she was little," I say as Meredith laughs.
"Aw she is still a daddies girl," Jo says.
"I know," I say as Deluca looks at us.
"You all realize that there is a gunman walking around the hospital," Deluca says as Mer and April nod.
Then my phone goes off and I answer it. It's Emma.
"Hello?' I ask.
"Dad someone told me that there's a gunman,p. Are you and mom ok?" She asks.
"No, your mother is bleeding out," I say as she starts crying.
"I was kidding," she says.
"Emma I'm breathing and am ok," Jo says as I hang up the phone.
"What are we going to do?" I ask.
"We could surrender and just give up," Meredith says sarcastically.
Then a bang in the door happens. We all nervously jump.
"Someone let me in!" A girls voice yells
"Alex," Jo says shakily.
"Is that," I say as she continues my sentence by
Then a 1, 2, 3, gunshots. And I heard my daughters body hit the floor.

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