I Can't Believe

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"Guess what?" I ask.
"What?" Alex asks.
"Rowan may want to be a doctor!" I say as Alex's face drops likes it's a bad thing.

"That's, nice," he says.
"What what was that?" I ask him.
"What was what?" He says like he didn't just make that face.
"That face you made," I said.
"I don't want Rowan to be a doctor," he says.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because then she'll know what career she wants and she'll be all grown up," He says.
"Aw poor you," I say to him.
"Well I guess I'm ok with it," he says.
"Good," I say.
"You know Toby's birthday is coming up," I say.
"Yeah I know next week. He is having a bunch of friends over it will be like a birthday party," Alex says.
"Oh ok," I say.
"That's ok right?" He asks.
"Yes it is because we can invite people too," I say.
"I don't know why he wants a party," Alex says.
"Maybe he wants one last big thing," I say.
"I know," Mer says.
"Why?" Alex asks.
"He is getting older and he wants you to pay for this stuff until he gets out of college," Mer says.
"Hmm," Alex says.
"Makes sense he is our kid," I say as we laugh.
Then I get paged. Oh trauma in the pit! Fun! Oh wait I mean oh trauma in the pit. Not fun so bad.
"What do we got?" I ask.
"13 year old male Karter Davis driving a truck. Ended up driving off the bridge," the paramedic says.
"You were driving?" I ask him.
"Yeah. My friend thought it would look hot. It's all her fault!" He screams so the girl could hear him.
"Believe me I wouldn't have agreed to the so called date if I knew it would end like this!" She says.
"Ok let's keep them separated let's go," I say as we head to a trauma room with the male.
"Alright Karter tell me what hurts," I say.
"My head and my arm," he says.
"Ok can you feel your legs and everything?" I ask him.
"Yes," he says.
"Alright page ortho and neuro," I say.
"Ok Dr. Karev," my intern says.
After a couple minutes Steph walks in then Penny. (She went into ortho).
"Hey this is Karter he is 13 and drove off a bridge to impress the girl in trauma room 3. He is complaining of head pain and arm pain," I say.
"Alright I want to get a head CT," Steph says.
"I want to get a CT as well," Penny says.
"Ok, take our patient up to CT we'll be there in a minute," I tell my intern as she nods.
She leaves the room.
"Complain," I say.
"Callie doesn't want another kid now," Penny says.
"Oh thank god I'm not in that situation," Steph says.
"Yeah I don't think A,ex wants anymore kids since we haven't had one in like 15 years," I say.
"Yeah Jack(Steph's new husband. Check out my chapter in my other book that I'm updating tomorrow or Thursday it will either the next chapter or the one after that it will explain why she's not with Jackson anymore). And I don't want any kids at all. We both love each and our careers," Steph says.
"That's good," I say.
"Yeah. Now you Jo haven't complained about Alex today," Penny says.
"He and Rowan won't stop treating me like I need help getting down the stairs," I say while they just roll their eyes.
"They just want to help you," Steph says.
"Let's just go to CT," I say while they smirk and nod their heads.
We finish the surgery that we needed to do. No complication, I didn't realize that the parents of these kids would be harder than the actual medical stuff.

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