The Aftermath

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I wake up and smell bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Toby's I'm sorry breakfast. He and Emma have done this since they were little. Whenever they did something bad they tried to do something good or cute. It never works. I come downstairs and see that the food is already dished on my plate, and my coffee already made. When Toby is sitting in the living room watching tv I got a feeling he knew we were going to talk to him. I just can't imagine what made him think that I want that in my house. When I finish my breakfast Alex and I head into the living room where Rowan and Toby were watching tv.
"Rowan why don't you head upstairs and work on your homework," I say.
"Na I'm good I'm gonna stay here and watch this," she says.
"Upstairs now," I say in a stern voice.
"Ok. Good luck with her she's already mad," Rowan says heading upstairs.
"Toby we have to talk about what I saw yesterday," I say as Alex begins seeing I'm clearly uncomfortable talking about a part of his love life I don't want to be apart of. He decides he is going to talk until Toby says something instead.
"Guys I'm sorry and I won't do it again," he says.
"I don't buy it," Alex says.
"Toby we don't care if you do that just don't get her pregnant and don't do it in my house," I say as he nods and I head to the kitchen to get more coffee.
"Nice job," Alex says.
"Thanks," I say.
"I feel like we need a day to be alone," Alex says.
"We can do that at work," I say.
"No like a day where we just spend time together and not with our kids," he says.
"We have busy lives," I say.
"Do you not want to spend time with me?" Alex asks.
"Of course I do but you think we do that with all our vacation days for Disney World in January?" I ask.
"I know but we could just use more," he says.
"One day," I say.
"Yay!" He squeals like a little girl.

"When?" I ask.

"Next week," he says.

"ok," I say.

Sorry for not posting in a while I will try and post by Christmas or at least before the new year!

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