Back Again

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I wake up, and smell omelettes. My favorite. I get out of bed, and see that Rowan was also walking to eat breakfast. My little baby is all grown up. She is speed walking while I still have a bit of a limp. Alex insisted that I stay home, but I can work. Then she helps me down the stairs, but I refuse her help. When we get downstairs I start myself a cup of coffee.
"Morning," Alex says to me and Rowan.
"Morning," I say back.
"Morning dad," Rowan says.
"So, I wanted to talk to you guys about something," Alex says.
"Ok what?" I ask.
"Well Emma has Chale and Toby has some guy I thought we should talk about our hatred towards them," Alex says.
"Ok," I say.
"Chale is a nerd and he just isn't a good guy. He makes me uncomfortable it's like I'm Emma's baby that he has to get along with or else she can't be with him! Also Claire is so ew. She's too nice and girly for me. Way too much like Emma," Rowan says.
"That's been sitting there a while hasn't it?" I ask her.
"All week," she says.
"I have to agree," Alex says.
"I agree about Chale, but I've never met Claire," I say.
"That's right I kicked them out before you could," Rowan says.
Then we finish eating, and I drive Rowan to school while Alex heads to work. I'm already in my scrubs, and I can't wait to get back.
"Mom I have a question," Rowan says.
"Ok shoot," I tell her.
"What made you want to become a surgeon?" She asks.
Oh my gosh! This is my only kid who even thought about being a surgeon!
"Well I wanted to help people and I thought why not save their lives," I say.
"Cool," she says.
"I knew that I wanted to be a pediatric surgeon because I just had this passion on working with kids. Also I get to see all different types of surgeries," I say.
"Cool because I think I may want to be a nurse, doctor, or surgeon. I'm not sure," she says.
"Well whatever you want to be your dad and I will support you. Unless it's a bad job then you're on your own," I say as we laugh.
"Don't sorry I won't pick a bad job," she says reassuringly.
Then we get to her school I drop her off and head to work. When I get there I get paged for trauma.
"What do we got?" I ask the paramedic.
"17 year old female GSW not conscious at the scene, and there are two others behind us," the paramedic says.
"Ok let's go," I say.
Then we head off to the trauma room.
"Ok, page Neuro, cardio, and ortho," I tell my intern.
Then Steph, Maggie, and Callie runs in.
"Ok, there is a problem in the spinal cord. I'm going to need to go in surgically," Steph says.
"Yea me too," Callie says.
"Everything is good with cardio over here. Gotta go getting paged," Maggie says.
Then we head up to the OR to perform the surgery.
"So how's your leg?" Steph asks.
"It's fine," I say.
"Steph she's not gonna want to talk about this," Callie says.
"So Rowan asked me how I knew I wanted to become a surgeon. She said she was interested in being a nurse, doctor, or surgeon," I say changing the subject.
"That's great," Callie said.
"Awesome!" Stash says.
We talk about other stuff until the end of the surgery.
Then I have lunch.
"Hey," I say as I sit down.
Then my phone rings.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Mom are you ok?" Emma asks.
"Yes Emma I'm fine and still breathing goodbye," I say as I hang up.
"Emma?" Alex asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Guess what?" I ask.
"What?" Alex asks.
"Rowan may want to be a doctor!" I say as Alex's face drops likes it's a bad thing.

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