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Congratulations to Camilla Luddington on her baby!

I start looking at the Karter's CT, and the radiologist said that there is a broken arm and a brain bleed. We start to take him to the OR.
"Let me know when the parents are here," I tell my intern as she walks away nodding her head.
"Alright people let's get started," I say as I start observing the surgery since it's a Peds kid and I'm a Peds surgeon.
"So Jo I wanted to talk to about Rowan," Penny says.
"Ok," I say.
"Have you meet her boyfriend?" Penny asks.
"Rowan doesn't have a boyfriend," I say.
"Um yeah she does," Penny says.
"No she doesn't," Steph says.
"Yeah she tells us everything," I say.
"Just look at her Instagram," Penny says.
"I follow her she does not have a boyfriend," I say.
"Oh she must have a secret account. I did," Penny says.
"Show me the account when we are done here," I say.
"Well let's talk about something else," Penny says.
"How's Sophia?" I ask.
"She's good. She is very happy and calls us every weekend," Penny says.
"She have any boyfriends?" Steph asks.
"No," Penny says.
"Well that's good," I say.
"No it's not. We love Sophia but I want her to stop calling every Friday night to talk about her nerdy week," Penny says.
"Penny!" I yell.
"What?" She asks.
"You do not say that to her or Callie!" I say.
"I know I wouldn't I'm just trying to get it off my chest," she says.
We finish the surgery and talk to the parents.
"We were able to repair the brain bleed and the broken arm will need to be in a cast for a while. You will follow up with Dr. Blake on that cast," Steph says.
"Oh thank god," the mother I think her name was Paula says.
"Now the recovery will have you here in the hospital for another week if there are no complications. When you get out promise me you won't drive until it's legal for you," I say.
"Oh don't worry it was that girl. She did this to my baby. He is perfect and didn't mean to do this. Her stupid parents raised her the wrong way," Paula says as her husband Phil nods in agreement.
"My parent share her and her family," Karter says.
"Alright we'll be checking in every couple hours or so and just relax a little bit," I say as I walk away to check Rowan's secret insta.
"Here that's him," Penny says.
"Let's go to the lounge. Everyone is in between surgeries," I say.
"You gonna tell Alex?" Steph asks.
"Not sure," I say.
We walk to the attending lounge.
"Hey," I say.
"Hey," he says.
"I'm going to head out and pick Rowan up from school on my way back. The day is over in 30 minutes so it gives me time," I say.
"Ok," he says.
"Alright see ya," I say heading out.
"So you're not gonna tell him," Penny says.
"Yeah I need to talk to Rowan first," I say.
Yay I get to talk to my teenage daughter about her social media account, and her secret boyfriend.

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